An application that takes the wealth of data from Lists Juggler, and tries to distill it down into a number of reports that answer questions the community might have.
The application is written in Ruby on Rails and uses PostgreSQL as its database.
Preferably, use something like RVM to handle your Rubies and Gemsets. Then checkout the repository (including the submodule), make sure you're using Ruby 2.4 and have Postgres installed, and...
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
rake db:create db:migrate
...and done. It might not work as easily on Windows, because Windows.
Importing all the data (takes a while):
rake sync:xwing_data
rake sync:tournaments
rake sync:rebuild_rankings
For updates later (updates everything):
rake sync:tournaments[<min_id>,<min_date>]
rake sync:rebuild_rankings[<min_id>,<min_date>]
Both parameters are optional for both rake tasks, just skip the brackets if you don't want to provide them.