- Mustache templates for JSON structures. *
Goatee takes the form of the mustache templating language, but applies it to nested JSON data structures. The goatee parser uses a template JSON structure, applying the mustache template parser to every string field.
Goatee can also expand nested elements into arrays based on the template structure. If the goatee parser finds a lone #each
command as a dictionary
key, it will take the field value and replace dictionary with an expanded version of the data.
When expanding a structure, such as an array of strings, the varible name becomes this
For example the structure { "{{#each names}}" : { "name" : "{{this}}" } }
with the data {"names" : ["Alice", "Bob", "Chuck"]}
would produce the output
[{"name":"Alice"}, {"name":"Bob"}, {"name":"Chuck"}]
"names" : ["test1", "test2", "test3"]
"name": "job1",
"inputs" : {
"{{#each names}}" : "/home/{{this}}.txt"
"name": "job1",
"inputs" : [
Because the pattern for unrolling input arrays returns a dictionary, there needs to be a way to merge multiple sub-structure outputs into a single dictionary.
For the input
"inputs" : [
{"name" : "job1", "state": "queued"},
{"name" : "job2", "state": "waiting"},
{"name" : "job3", "state": "running"},
{"name" : "job4", "state": "done"}
and the template
"{{#each inputs}}" : {
"task_{{name}}" : {
"state" : "{{state}}"
we get the results
{"task_job1" : {"state": "queued"} },
{"task_job2" : {"state": "waiting"} },
{"task_job3" : {"state": "running"} },
{"task_job4" : {"state": "done"} }
If theese elements belong to a {{#merge}}
they will be merged into a single dictionary.
So the template
"{{#merge}}" : {
"{{#each inputs}}" : {
"task_{{name}}" : {
"state" : "{{state}}"
Results in:
"task_job1" : {"state": "queued"},
"task_job2" : {"state": "waiting"},
"task_job3" : {"state": "running"},
"task_job4" : {"state": "done"}