
A collection of go plugins used for connecting a Grip server to the Gen3 software stack

Primary LanguageGo

GRIP GraphQL Endpoint

Configurable GraphQL endpoint for the GRaph Integration Platform


Run make to build both the plugin (grip-graphql-endpoint.so) and proxy server (grip-graphql-proxy).


Run as a shared object within the GRIP server

grip server -w graphql=grip-graphql-endpoint.so -l graphql:config=./config/config.js -l graphql:graph=test-db


Run the server as a proxy endpoint connected to an external GRIP service

./grip-graphql-proxy <grip server> <server port> <config> <database>

Example configuration file

    name: "projects",
    schema: [
    handler: (G, args) => {
        return G.V().hasLabel("Project").render("_gid").toList()

    name: "cases",
    schema: [
    args: {
        offset: "Int",
        limit: "Int",
        project_id : "String"
    defaults: {
        offset: 0,
        limit: 100
    handler: (G, args) => {
        if (args.project_id === undefined) {
            return G.V().hasLabel("Case").skip(args.offset).limit(args.limit).render("_gid").toList()
        } else {
            return G.V().hasLabel("Case").has(gripql.eq("project_id", args.project_id)).skip(args.offset).limit(args.limit).render("_gid").toList()

    name: "caseCounts",
    schema: {
        cases: "Int",
        samples: "Int",
        aliquots: "Int"
    args: {
        project_id: "String"
    handler: (G, args) => {
        return {
            "cases": G.V().hasLabel("Case").has(gripql.eq("project_id", args.project_id)).count().toList()[0],
            "samples": G.V().hasLabel("Case").has(gripql.eq("project_id", args.project_id)).out("samples").count().toList()[0],
            "aliquots": G.V().hasLabel("Case").has(gripql.eq("project_id", args.project_id)).out("samples").out("aliquots").count().toList()[0],

GRIP setup with frontend framework

  1. setup frontendframework see docs
  2. grip server -c mongo.yml -w graphql=grip-graphql-endpoint.so -l graphql:config=config/gen3.js -l graphql:graph=gdc