
A clearinghouse for schemas "There is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows."

MIT LicenseMIT


A clearinghouse for schemas

"I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows." ~ Ernest Hemingway



simplified schema


  • in: we need to be able to read

    • FHIR
    • OMOP
    • Pheno Packets
    • Bridge-to-AI (linkml)
    • TSV
  • out: we need to be able to write

    • Grip, json-schema
    • Gen3, flat and graph
    • OMOP
    • TSV


  • in: we need to be able to read

    • FHIR
    • OMOP
    • Pheno Packets
    • Bridge-to-AI (linkml)
    • TSV
  • out: we need to be able to write

    • vertex.ndjson
    • edge.ndjson
    • pfb
    • TSV


  • manifests
  • bucket naming conventions
  • semantic versioning

Iceberg will organize projects or data submissions by source. (e.g. "bucket/my-lab/my-study/Patient.ndjson, etc.")

central storage

  • schemas: will be stored as json schema with edge vocabulary extensions (eg. backref name, destination type)
  • data: ndjson files of entities that fulfill those schemas. (schema and entities will have embedded edge references, not separate entity files.)

out of scope

  • loading
  • building
  • denormalization


In general, iceberg does not concern itself with the extraction and transformation of data from sources - as long as the resulting data and schema is self contained.

A iceberg user should be able to move towards loading a given data base without referring to how the data was harvested and stored.

This repo should limit itself to central schemas. Tooling, submission and manifest repos will refer to this to retrieve schemas definitions.