If you're using IBM DataPower Gateway and need to asymmetric encrypt or decrypt just a part of a json object, it might be complicated. This two GatewayScripts will assist you doing that with a minimal effort.
Just drop them on your processing rule, configure the relevant parameters and you're good to go.
- certificate: a name of a valid Crypto Certificate object to be used for the encryption.
- encAlg: The JWE encryption algorithm. supported values are:
- A128CBC-HS256 (default)
- A192CBC-HS384
- A256CBC-HS512
- A128GCM
- A192GCM
- A256GCM - keyMgmtAlg: The JWE key management algorithm. supported values are:
- RSA1_5 (default)
- RSA-OAEP-256 - outputFormat: The JWE encryption output format. supported values are:
- compact (default)
- json
- json_flat - fields: Comma separated values of the field-names you want to encrypt.
- key: a name of a valid Crypto Key object to be used for the decryption.
- encAlg: The JWE encryption algorithm. supported values are:
- A128CBC-HS256 (default)
- A192CBC-HS384
- A256CBC-HS512
- A128GCM
- A192GCM
- A256GCM - keyMgmtAlg: The JWE key management algorithm. supported values are:
- RSA1_5 (default)
- RSA-OAEP-256 - inputFormat: The JWE decryption input format. supported values are:
- compact (default)
- json
- json_flat - fields: Comma separated values of the field-names you want to decrypt.