
Enterprise Grade Jenkins CI on AWS Cloud

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Enterprise Grade Jenkins

Enterprise Grade Jenkins CI on AWS Cloud


  • Security: no builds should run on the master. Slaves will be running jobs. Master node will be accessible through HTTPS. Slaves communnicate with the master within the private network.
  • High Availability: master node will be stateless. One instance of the master will be up at a time. In case of failure a new instance will pop up automatically. Jenkins data storage will be on a network file system.
  • Scaling: slaves will be created on-demand as Docker containers. Communication with the master is dynamic. Docker host ports are dynamic.
  • Cost: server resources will be Spot instances. Storage is based on Amazon EFS, pricing on usage.


Enterprise Grade Jenkins Architecture


  • Install Docker
  • Install AWS CLI
  • Configure IAM access rights
  • Create an ECR repository in your deployment region
  • Create an ACM certificate in your deployment region
  • Create an EC2 key pair in your deployment region
  • Have a Route 53 domain

Jenkins Master Docker Image

cd jenkins-master
docker build -t jenkins-master .
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)
docker tag jenkins-master:latest 123456789123.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/jenkins-master:1.0.0
docker push 123456789123.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/jenkins-master:1.0.0

Example CloudFormation command

aws cloudformation deploy
  --stack-name meudre-jenkins
  --template-file cloudformation.yml
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Jenkins configuration

Wait until CloudFormation finishes creating the stack. Then go to the Amazon CloudWatch service in the AWS Web Console. Choose the left tab Logs and filter by /ecs. Click the Log Group of your Jenkins Master and then click the button Search Log Group. Scroll until you see these lines:

Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Copy the password and paste it at the URL https://jenkins.domain.com. Choose to install plugins or not. Create a first admin user. Click Save and Continue and validate the suggested Jenkins URL. You should now have access to your Jenkins Master! If the Home Page is not showing up, process with a restart by hitting the https://jenkins.domain.com/restart URL.

Configure System

  • Number of executors: 0
  • Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node

Configure Global Security

  • TCP port for JNLP agents: 50000 (Fixed)
  • Agent protocols: Java Web Start Agent Protocol/4 (TLS encryption)
  • Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits: Enabled
  • Enable Agent → Master Access Control: Enabled

Manage Plugins

To enable full scaling of the solution, I had to make some changes to the Amazon EC2 Container Service plugin to allow private dynamic communication between the master and the slaves. HPI file is available here as amazon-ecs.hpi.zip. You just have to go to the Advanced tab and upload the file manually.

Configure the Amazon EC2 Container Service plugin

  • Go to Configure System
  • At the bottom of the page, click Add a new cloud
  • Enter a Name, for example meudre-jenkins
  • Select (or Add) your AWS Credentials
  • Select your deployment region
  • Select your ECS cluster, created by CloudFormation
  • Click the Advanced button and enable the Local ECS Master
  • Click the Add button
  • Enter a Label, for example ecs-cloud. You will need to specify it in your jobs.
  • Enter a Template Name, for example slave
  • Enter the Memory and CPU information, for example 1000 and 500
  • Click the Save button