
Harmony admin plugin that shows you on screen where entitys are


Harmony admin plugin that shows you on screen where entitys are

Chat Commands: (Requires admin)

/radar - Brings up the search box.
/radardistance - Temporarlly changes the max distance things are shown at.
/radarreload - Reloads settings from the config file.


As admin use command /radar. It will bring up a entity search box on the bottom right of your screen.
Press tab and type in it what you want to be shown on the screen.
Example player.prefab will show you all the players on the map.
tpying bradley will show you all the bradley apc tanks on the map.
But default It limits it to 2000 distance from your player and 500 shown on screen at once.
This can be changed in the config file found in HarmonyConfig folder.


Copy this dll to your HarmonyMods folder.