Start apt_cacher_ng service

docker compose build && \
docker compose up -d

Read apt_cacher_ng service logs

docker exec -it apt_cacher_ng \
  tail -f /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/apt-cacher.log

Build test client using apt_cacher_ng service

Build test client

In tests subdirectory:

  1. Build the test client once.
time docker compose build \
  --build-arg APT_CACHER_NG_HOST=localhost \
  --build-arg APT_CACHER_NG_PORT=3142 \
  1. Read the logs to see that files have been cached.
  2. Build the test client once again. It should be faster.
  3. Read the logs to see that cached files have been reused.

Run bash command in apt_cacher_ng container

docker exec -it apt_cacher_ng bash

List cached files in apt_cacher_ng container

docker exec -it apt_cacher_ng find /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng

Stop services

In project root directory:

docker compose stop

Remove stopped service containers along with associated volumes

In project root directory:

docker compose rm --volumes