
A Discord bot for the Robert Miles AI server

Primary LanguagePython

stampy banner image


This repository contains the code for Stampy The Safety Bot (@Stampy). Stampy’s primary purpose is to share questions from Rob Miles YouTube comments section and responses from Rob Miles AI Discord. Questions from YouTube that are interesting spark conversations on discord. Responses to the YouTube question on Discord can then be posted by Stampy as a reply to the YouTube comment.


Stampy Dev Demo


  1. Ask to gain access to the github repo from Rob Miles on Discord
  2. Install Requirements:
  3. Clone the Repo
    • Run git clone https://github.com/robertskmiles/stampy.git
  4. Create stampy python conda environment
    • Change directory to where you downloaded the stampy github repository: cd stampy
    • Run conda env create -f environment.yml This will create an anaconda python kernel with all the dependencies required to run the current version of stampy.
  5. Set Environment Variables
    • Get .env file contents from #stampy-dev-priv on discord
    • Put .env into the root of the stampy repository so dotenv can find it
  6. Verify that your setup is working
    • Run conda activate stampy
    • Then run python3 stam.py from the base directory of the repository.
      • Alternatively, if you prefer to restart stampy on any file save (and if you have NodeJS installed), you can run npx nodemon stamp.py.

If everything is working correctly you should be able to talk to stampy from the test discord server and see the messages in your terminal.

How to Contribute

Check out the currently open github issues and pull requests, if you see something open you can help out with add a comment. Most coordinations is done through live voice calls in the discord.

If you make a change to source code, please create a new branch first, then commit your changes there. Open a pull request on github and ask for other developers to review your code before merging.

See TUTORIAL.md for a step-by-step tutorial detailing how to add features.