
For review; anonymised repo. Experiments based off Andreas Madsen and Alexander Rosenberg Johansen NAU work

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Learning Division with Neural Arithmetic Logic Modules

This repository is the official implementation of Learning Division with Neural Arithmetic Logic Modules.

This work builds ontop of the research on Neural Arithmetic Units by Andreas Madsen and Alexander Rosenberg Johansen. The original code is by Andreas Madsen, who created the underlying framework used to create datasets, run experiments, and generate plots. See their original README (below) (which includes requirements).


Neural Arithmetic Logic Modules are neural networks with the ability to learn arithmetic operations in a systematic manner, or more simply put, a network where the weights are interpretable representing input selection and an specific operation. This work focuses specifically on learning division, where we evaluate an existing division module (the Real NPU) and create two new modules the Neural Reciprocal Unit and the Neural Multiplicative Reciprocal Unit in the process to unravel:

  • Why learning division is hard?
  • What components of NALMs make learning division easier?

Recreating Experiments From the Paper: Training & Evaluation

Single Module Task

First, create a csv file containing the threshold values for each range using

 Rscript generate_exp_setups.r 

Generating plots consists of 3 stages

  1. Run a shell script which calls the python script to generate the tensorboard results over multiple seeds and ranges

    • sbatch lfs_batch_jobs/single_layer_task/neurips_2021/<script name>.sh
      • <script name>: Refer to the table below.
  2. Call the python script to convert the tensorboard results to a csv file

    • python3 export/simple_function_static.py --tensorboard-dir /data/nalms/tensorboard/<experiment_name>/ --csv-out /data/nalms/csvs/<experiment_name>.csv
      • --tensorboard-dir: Directory containing the tensorboard folders with the model results
      • --csv-out: Filepath on where to save the csv result file
      • <experiment_name>: value of the experiment_name variable in the shell script used for step 1
  3. Call the R script to convert the csv results to a plot (saved as pdf)

    •  Rscript neurips_range.r None /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/ sltr-in2 op-div None nips-sltr-in2 
      • First arg: N/A
      • Second arg: Path to directory where you want to save the plot file
      • Third arg: Filename for plot(/ loading csv filename if single model). Use lookup key value (see table below).
      • Forth arg: Arithmetic operation to create plot of (i.e. op-add, op-sub, op-mul, and op-div)
      • Fifth arg: N/A
      • Sixth arg: Lookup key (see table below) used to load relevant files and plot information
Experiment Meta-Information Table
Figure Experiment Shell script name Lookup key
1a L1 regularisation sltr-in2.sh nips-realnpu-L1
1b L1 beta sweep in2-realnpu-beta-sweep nips-realnpu-L1_sweep
2a Clipping sltr-in2.sh nips-realnpu-clipping
2b Discretisation sltr-in2.sh nips-realnpu-discretisation
2c Initalisation sltr-in2.sh nips-realnpu-init
3 No redundancy (input size 2) sltr-in2.sh nips-sltr-in2
4 Mixed-signed inputs in2-mixed-signs.sh N/A (see section below)
6 With redundancy (input size 10) sltr-in10.sh nips-sltr-in10

Mixed-signed Inputs (on the modified Real NPU)

Generate the tensorboard results and the csv file using the first two stages.

To generate the plot, run:

 Rscript neurips_range.r /data/nalms/csvs/sltr-in2/ /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/ mixed-sign-ds_realnpu-modified op-div None

Division by Small Numbers (Figure 5)

This does not require running the 3 stages. Instead:

  1. Generate gold test error csv: python3 export/single_layer_task/generate_divBy0_extrap_thresholds.py
  2. Create plot:
     Rscript divBy0_gold_test_errors.r

More Challenging Distributions (Figure 6 and 7)

Generate the tensorboard results and the csv file using the first two stages.

To generate the Figure 6, run:

 Rscript neurips_range_distributions.r /data/nalms/csvs/sltr-in2/distributions/ /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/ sltr-in2-distributions op-div None nips-in2-distributions

To generate the Figure 7, run:

 Rscript neurips_range_distributions.r /data/nalms/csvs/sltr-in10/distributions/ /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/ sltr-in10-distributions op-div None nips-in10-distributions

RMSE Loss Landscape (Figure 9)

See Collab Notebook


Use the same 3 stages to generate plots.

Figure Experiment Shell script name Lookup key
10 NRU - Learning rates sltr-in2.sh nips-in2-nru-lr
11 DivBy0 - [a] to 1/a divBy0.sh -
12 DivBy0 - [a,b] to 1/a divBy0.sh -
13 DivBy0 - [a,b] to a/b divBy0.sh -
14 Real NPU - L2 regularisation sltr-in2.sh nips-realnpu-L2
15 NPU sltr-in10.sh nips-sltr-in10-npu
16 Real NPU - NAU discretisation sltr-in10.sh nips-in10-realnpu-W-reg
17 NMRU - Ablation sltr-in10.sh nips-in10-nmru-ablation
18 NMRU - Learning rates sltr-in10.sh nips-in10-nmru-lr
19 NMRU - Optimiser sltr-in10.sh nips-in10-nmru-optimiser
20 NRU - Separate signs sltr-in10.sh nips-in10-nru-separate-mag-sign
21 Losses - Real NPU sltr-in10.sh nips-sltr-in10-losses-realnpu
22 Losses - NRU sltr-in10.sh nips-sltr-in10-losses-nru
23 Losses - NMRU sltr-in10.sh nips-sltr-in10-losses-nmru

Any experiments with different steps are explained below.

Division by Small Numbers - Experimental Results (Appendix Figures 11-13)

  1. Generate the extrapolation thresholds using python3 export/single_layer_task/generate_divBy0_extrap_thresholds.py with eps=torch.finfo().eps.

  2. Copy thresholds into the relevant cells in exp_setups.csv.

  3. Generate the tensorboard results using bash <script name> 0 24

  4. Convert tensorboard to csv results (using the usual command)

  5. Run the following commands to generate the plots for each of the three tasks:

    • [a] to 1/a:
     Rscript neurips_range_divBy0.r /data/nalms/csvs/SLTR_divBy0/easy /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/divBy0/ divBy0-easy op-reciprocal None nips-divBy0-easy zero.range.easy
    • [a,b] to 1/a:
     Rscript neurips_range_divBy0.r /data/nalms/csvs/SLTR_divBy0/medium /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/divBy0/ divBy0-medium op-reciprocal None nips-divBy0-medium zero.range.medium
    • [a,b] to a/b:
     Rscript neurips_range_divBy0.r /data/nalms/csvs/SLTR_divBy0/hard /data/nalms/csvs/r_results/neurips-2021/divBy0/ divBy0-hard op-div None nips-divBy0-hard zero.range.hard

(Note - Scipy package version)

If you want to have samples from a truncated normal distribution then the scipy version installed must be 1.6.2 (older versions than 1.6 sample for this distribution too slowly). pip install --upgrade scipy==1.6.2

Neural Arithmetic Units

This code encompass two publiations. The ICLR paper is still in review, please respect the double-blind review process.

Hidden Size results

Figure, shows performance of our proposed NMU model.


SEDL Workshop at NeurIPS 2019

Reproduction study of the Neural Arithmetic Logic Unit (NALU). We propose an improved evaluation criterion of arithmetic tasks including a "converged at" and a "sparsity error" metric. Results will be presented at SEDL|NeurIPS 2019. – Read paper.

    author={Andreas Madsen and Alexander Rosenberg Johansen},
    title={Measuring Arithmetic Extrapolation Performance},
    booktitle={Science meets Engineering of Deep Learning at 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019)},
    address={Vancouver, Canada},
    timestamp={Fri, 4 Oct 2019 12:00:36 UTC}

ICLR 2020 (Under review)

Our main contribution, which includes a theoretical analysis of the optimization challenges with the NALU. Based on these difficulties we propose several improvements. This is under double-blind peer-review, please respect our anonymity and reference https://openreview.net/forum?id=H1gNOeHKPS and not this repository!Read paper.

    author={Andreas Madsen and Alexander Rosenberg Johansen},
    title={Neural Arithmetic Units},
    booktitle={Submitted to International Conference on Learning Representations},
    note={under review}


python3 setup.py develop

This will install this code under the name stable-nalu, and the following dependencies if missing: numpy, tqdm, torch, scipy, pandas, tensorflow, torchvision, tensorboard, tensorboardX.

Experiments used in the paper

All experiments results shown in the paper can be exactly reproduced using fixed seeds. The lfs_batch_jobs directory contains bash scripts for submitting jobs to an LFS queue. The bsub and its arguments, can be replaced with python3 or an equivalent command for another queue system.

The export directory contains python scripts for converting the tensorboard results into CSV files and contains R scripts for presenting those results, as presented in the paper.

Naming changes

As said earlier the naming convensions in the code are different from the paper. The following translations can be used:

  • Linear: --layer-type linear
  • ReLU: --layer-type ReLU
  • ReLU6: --layer-type ReLU6
  • NAC-add: --layer-type NAC
  • NAC-mul: --layer-type NAC --nac-mul normal
  • NAC-sigma: --layer-type PosNAC --nac-mul normal
  • NAC-nmu: --layer-type ReRegualizedLinearPosNAC --nac-mul normal --first-layer ReRegualizedLinearNAC
  • NALU: --layer-type NALU
  • NAU: --layer-type ReRegualizedLinearNAC
  • NMU: --layer-type ReRegualizedLinearNAC --nac-mul mnac

Extra experiments

Here are 4 experiments in total, they correspond to the experiments in the NALU paper.

python3 experiments/simple_function_static.py --help # 4.1 (static)
python3 experiments/sequential_mnist.py --help # 4.2

Example with using NMU on the multiplication problem:

python3 experiments/simple_function_static.py \
    --operation mul --layer-type ReRegualizedLinearNAC --nac-mul mnac \
    --seed 0 --max-iterations 5000000 --verbose \
    --name-prefix test --remove-existing-data

The --verbose logs network internal measures to the tensorboard. You can access the tensorboard with:

tensorboard --logdir tensorboard