
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Deploying to App Engine

  • Clone this repo.
  • Create a new file called env_variables.yaml with the following structure.
  COD_API_EMAIL: <fill in>
  COD_API_PW: <fill in>
  DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: <fill in>
  TRIGGER_PHRASE: bot will only respond to this phrase. Used for testing.

*Set up the gcloud sdk if you haven't already: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/install

  • Run gcloud app deploy app.yaml to deploy the project

    • If you don't have this project as default, you can set the project flag explicitly: gcloud app deploy --project PROJECT_ID app.yaml
  • You can view current instances if you've already deployed with gcloud app instances list

Deploying the cloud functions

This repo has cloud functions in the `/functions' directory that are designed to run periodically to pull new data from the COD API into the firebase database. To deploy a new version of the functions:

firebase deploy --only functions --project codwagers