
Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ReactiveMongo is a scala driver that provides fully non-blocking and asynchronous I/O operations.


In your project/Build.scala:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo" % "VERSION"

Maven Javadocs

Build manually

To benefit from the latest improvements and fixes, you may want to compile ReactiveMongo from source. You will need a Git client and SBT.

From the shell, first checkout the source:

$ git clone git@github.com:ReactiveMongo/ReactiveMongo.git

Then go to the ReactiveMongo directory and launch the SBT build console:

$ cd ReactiveMongo
$ sbt
> +publish-local

Running tests:

In order to execute the unit and integration tests, SBT can be used as follows.

sbt "testOnly -- exclude mongo2"

When running against MongoDB 2.6, the command must replace exclude mongo2 with exclude not_mongo26.

The test environement must be able to handle the maximum number of incoming connection for the MongoDB instance. This must be checked, and eventually updated, using ulimit -n.

Travis: Travis build status Test coverage

Reproduce Travis build:

To reproduce a Travis build, the following script can be used to setup a local test environment.

# According travis `env`
       AKKA_VERSION=2.5.6 \
       ITERATEES_VERSION=2.6.1 \
       MONGO_PROFILE=invalid-ssl \
       MONGO_VER=3_4 \

# Settings to start mongod (available in local PATH)
# !! Make sure not have any other services already bound on the ports
export MONGO_MINOR="3.4.10" \
       PRIMARY_HOST="localhost:27018" \

./.ci_scripts/setupEnv.sh $MONGO_VER $MONGO_MINOR $MONGO_PROFILE \

if [ "x$CI_CATEGORY" = "xINTEGRATION_TESTS" ]; then ( \
  ./.ci_scripts/fork-mongod.sh /tmp/integration-env.sh); fi

Once the local environment is set up, the test build can be executed using the following commands.

export SCALA_VERSION=2.12.4

./.ci_scripts/validate.sh /tmp/integration-env.sh

It's possible to restrict the executed tests as below.

export TEST_CLASSES=UpdateSpec

# Only run the `UpdateSpec` test suite
./.ci_scripts/validate.sh /tmp/integration-env.sh

export TEST_CLASSES="UpdateSpec DriverSpec CursorSpec"
./.ci_scripts/validate.sh /tmp/integration-env.sh

Learn More

Samples: These sample applications are kept up to date with the latest driver version. They are built upon Play 2.3.