
Not as easy as you would think to find an easy example of doing CRUD operations on Fluent

Primary LanguageSwift

Vapor 4

Vapor is the most used web framework for Swift. It provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website or API.

This repo has example code to spin up a simple server. The endpoints logic is still in the routes.swift file in time you'd want to move this into a controller.

There is config for a postgres. Postgres seems a better option as you can't deploy to Heroku with a Sqlite3. This assumes you build a docker image of the project, push the docker image to heroku's registry, then 'release' by running that container.


The easy option is to run Vapor 4 with a postgres DB. You can install and run postgres for local development with the local enviromental variables set in xcode. Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Arguments

xcode local env vars

When you deploy to Heroku these env vars will be populated by the dyno context.

Docker for Heroku

heroku container:login

Create an app on heroku (make a note of the app name). Use the postgres heroku add-on. To build the Docker image for Heroku tag with the following convention registry.heroku.com/<YOUR_APP>/<target>.

docker build -t registry.heroku.com/vapor-4-todo/web .

Then wait, then push your image to the heroku docker registry

docker push registry.heroku.com/vapor-4-todo/web

Finally you can deploy with

heroku container:release --app vapor-4-todo web

Test the API

You should be able to then test the API from postman or something like that.

curl https://vapor-4-todo.herokuapp.com/todos

Using the shell script to start the app is not very elegant, but I can seem to overide the default / WORKDIR that heroku uses, so the ENTRYPOINT ["./Run"] was not starting the app properly. The shell script works so I will leave it there for now.