Elm GraphQl Wordpress

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This is an Elm site that consumes a Wordpress API via a GraphQl. The site is built out into the /dist folder from the elm files and I'm deploying the built artifacts to surge.sh


Beautiful and easy. To do this with REST took 3 separate requests. I'm using

{ "ghivert/elm-graphql": "3.1.0 <= v < 4.0.0" }

for GraphQl support.


The page queries in elm look something like this:

pageRequest : Operation Query Variables
pageRequest =
    GraphQl.named "query"
        [ GraphQl.field "pageBy"
            |> GraphQl.withArgument "uri" (GraphQl.string "contact-us")
            |> GraphQl.withSelectors
                [ GraphQl.field "title"
                , GraphQl.field "content"
                , GraphQl.field "author"
                    |> GraphQl.withSelectors
                        [ GraphQl.field "name"
                        , GraphQl.field "avatar"
                            |> GraphQl.withSelectors
                                [ GraphQl.field "url"
        |> GraphQl.withVariables []

Which I can stomach. The page 'slug' can be passed in and I'll get back all the state for that page in one hit. The model is flat.

type alias Model =
    { title : String
    , content : String
    , author : String
    , avatar : String

Just render the model into Html.


Posts are more tricky. A wordpress post has the following url structure.


This is not going to work for a static page as it would look into a folder called 2011 and within that another folder called 01...

...Instead I'm going to


snap off the 'hash' #rsync-exclude-files-and-folders and use the slug/hash to query the graphql endpoint for the post's data.