
a yeoman generator for the 'chaos' flex / flash to HTML5 boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-chaos Build Status


alt tag

Maintainer: Barry Morwood <script data-gittip-username="bmorwood" data-gittip-widget="button" > </script>

Chaos is a boilerplate used to generate HTML5 interactive standalone web applications.

Chaos is based on the 'carngorhm' design pattern used to create flash / flex style web applications. If in another life you were a Flex / Flash developer and want a familiar developing landscape or you are looking for portable web application, you are in the right place.


Included right out of the box.

  • built in localization using http://i18next.com.
  • code documentation using http://yui.github.io/yuidoc/.
  • pre-loader.
  • grunt build tasks.
  • basic web application scaffolding.
  • simple setup to integrate into any web page.
  • works on all modern browsers; I still need to check older versions of IE.

grunt tasks

build and open application

$ grunt

create documentation

$ grunt yuidoc

samples - coming soon!


Install yeoman using NPM.

$ npm install -g yo

Install: npm install -g generator-chaos

Make a new directory and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo chaos

yo chaos

chaos will ask for a namespace, enter your namespace and hit enter.


  • --skip-install

    Skips the automatic execution of bower and npm after scaffolding has finished.


Available generators:

  • command
  • controller
  • event
  • initializer
  • model
  • proxy
  • service
  • singleton
  • view model
  • view
  • less
yo chaos:entity [object name]

this is a multiple choice selector, you can also use the 'All' to generate all entities. choose from the available list items, you can select any combination you want.

Typical workflow

yo chaos # generates your application base and build workflow
[enter namespace]
yo chaos:entity blog
[choose view & view model]

NOTE: Do not put beginning or trailing slashes on the directory structure!


MIT License

CCS updates

why css background imgs over img tags