Polymer Number Selector

There is no automated graded for this assignment.


  1. Create a web component named number-selector. The final product should look like this:


  2. The objective is simple: clicking the add button will increment the number and clicking minus button will decrement the number. If a maximum or minimum is set then the number cannot be incremented or decremented beyond those specified points.

  3. An initial value can be set on the components value attribute. Defaults to 0.

  4. A maximum value can be set on the maximum attribute. Defaults to NaN.

  5. A minimum value can be set on the minimum attribute. Defaults to NaN.



  1. Make sure that you have NodeJS, bower, and the polymer-cli installed on your computer.

  2. Create a Github project for the assignment.

  3. Clone the remote repository to your local computer.

  4. Use bower init to initialize your bower dependencies.

  5. Add the polymer paper-icon-button dependencies: bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-icon-button PolymerElements/iron-icons

  6. Add the index.html and number-selector.html files to your project.

  7. Edit the number-selector.html file until you fulfill all of the objectives.

    1. Add paper-icon-buttons with + and - to increment or decement the value when clicked.
  8. Use the polymer-cli or http-server to run your server locally while you develop.