
An anagrammatic, turn-key CouchDB app for the base free dynamic dns use case.

Primary LanguagePython

An anagrammatic, turn-key CouchDB eventual replacement for the base free dynamic dns use case. It reports a nameserverless public ip address to a pair of couchdb's, and the public one 302's outside traffic back to the private one.

More info about CouchApps here. [including installation]

Deploying this app

Make some databases:

curl -X PUT http://name:password@localhost:5984/candyminds
curl -X PUT http://name:password@localhost:5984/candyminds/current_ip_address -d @initial.json

curl -X PUT https://name:password@youraccount.iriscouch.com/candyminds
curl -X PUT https://name:password@youraccount.iriscouch.com/candyminds/current_ip_address -d @initial.json

Put some application logic in the local one:

couchapp push . http://name:password@localhost:5984/candyminds

Edit the poller.py CAPITALIZED_VARIABLES, or do something equivalent to it in some other language. You can run a process like poller.py from within couchdb by adding the following lines to your local.ini:


candyminds_poller = /usr/bin/python /opt/poller.py

[This works great in Debian and not really in OS X, will run in foreground on either.]

Once you see that your local database has been updated, set up continuous replication (in futon -> replicator -> local candyminds to iriscouch candyminds).

Then visit your new easy-to-remember-url at


You can create an easier-to-remember url by using vhosts and one of iriscouch's handy alternate urls, ie in youraccount.iriscouch.com/_utils in configuration, create a record like this:

vhosts youraccount.iriscou.ch/casa /candyminds/_design/cm/_show/current/current_ip_address

and access your server at youraccount.iriscou.ch/casa