
KPack Vizualation Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KPack Viz

This project offers a graphical user interface allowing to display the CRD Resources and their relationships managed by the kpack Project defined in a Kubernetes cluster

  • image
  • builder
  • clusterstack
  • clusterstore
  • clusterbuilder
  • buildpacks.

kpack-viz screenshot

Running the app


git clone <repo>
mvn spring-booot:run


  • requires Java 17+
  • Use the KUBECONFIG environmnet variable


docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KUBECONFIG=/.kube/config -v <path/to/your/kubeconfig/file.yml>:/.kube/config ghcr.io/bmoussaud/kpack-viz


  • Edit config-dev/values.yaml to set your values
  • Run make deploy-k8s-dev to deploy kpack-viz.
  • To undeploy the application, run make undeploy-k8s-dev

Note: the makefile relies on ytt and kapp from Carvel.Dev

if you need to manage other environments (ex uat, prod),

  1. Create a new directory config-<env>
  2. Add a ``config-/values.yaml` file
  3. Run make deploy-k8s-<env> ENV=<env> to deploy the application
  4. Run make undeploy-k8s-<env> ENV=<env> to deploy the application

Repository install with Internet connectivity

First, let's add a new repository:

tanzu package repository add kpack-viz-repo --url ghcr.io/bmoussaud/kpack-viz-repo:latest -n tanzu-package-repo-global 

Wait a few minutes until the repository gets reconciled. Use this command to get reconciliation status:

tanzu package repository list -n tanzu-package-repo-global
tanzu package repository get kpack-viz-repo -n tanzu-package-repo-global

Package install

Check that this app is available as a package:

tanzu package available list kpack-viz.bmoussaud.github.com -n tanzu-package-repo-global
| Retrieving package versions for kpack-viz.bmoussaud.github.com...
  NAME                            VERSION    RELEASED-AT  
  kpack-viz.bmoussaud.github.com  0.1.0-dev  2022-03-09 14:43:23 +0100 CET

Keep the package version handy - you'll need it when it comes to package deployment.

Create file my-values.yml:

#! Set target namespace.
NAMESPACE: kpack-viz
#! Set the public-facing domain used for accessing the application.
DOMAIN: kpack-viz.tools.mytanzu.xyz

Edit this file accordingly.

Deploy the package, using the version you have installed:

tanzu package install kpack-viz --package-name kpack-viz.bmoussaud.github.com --version 0.1.0-dev  -n tanzu-package-repo-global -f my-values.yml

Check the status of the deployed package

tanzu package installed get kpack-viz -n tanzu-package-repo-global

When the package install is done, note there's a new namespace accordingly to the my-values.yaml file


if you need to update values,

tanzu package installed update kpack-viz  -n tanzu-package-repo-global --values-file ./my-values.yaml


tanzu package installed delete kpack-viz -n tanzu-package-repo-global
tanzu package repository delete kpack-viz-repo -n tanzu-package-repo-global
