
Provides the application operator resources (kpack, supply-chains,...) used by bmoussaud/micropets-app operator

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repository gathers all the configurations that will be managed by an app-operator to provide on top a on an infrastructure-ready kubernetes cluster an application-ready cluster

  1. Configure Cloud Native Build Pack
  2. Configure Supply Chains for dev to turn a commit into a Kubernetes Configuration ready to be deployed
  3. Configure Cloud Native Runtime (KNative)
  4. Configure Tanzu Application Platform

Cloud Native Build Pack

Set up the project to use Cloud Native Buildpack instead of managing Dockerfile files to create the image

The project will use kPack.

If you're looking for a supported version of kPack, please look at Tanzu Build Service by vmware

Install kPack into the cluster

kapp deploy --yes -a kpack -f https://github.com/pivotal/kpack/releases/download/v0.4.3/release-0.4.3.yaml

Configure kPack

Edit kpack/kpack_values.yaml the kpack folder defines the cluster-scoped resources and the shared resources amongs the services

export MICROPETS_registry_password="moussaud"
kubectl create ns ${MICROPETS_into_ns}
ytt --ignore-unknown-comments --data-values-env  MICROPETS   -f . | kapp deploy --yes --into-ns ${MICROPETS_into_ns} -a micropet-kpack -f-


MICROPETS_registry_password="moussaud" make kpack

Check the builder is available

$kubectl get ClusterBuilder micropet-builder
NAME               LATESTIMAGE                                                                                                           READY
micropet-builder   harbor.mytanzu.xyz/library/micropet-builder@sha256:dd1993c5a5550f7b91052330d11bb029bd2f108776dff5097e42e813988ae1b9   True

in each service project, the kpack.yaml file specify what to build (Image). Run make deploy-cnb to apply the definition using the current kubernetes context (at the root of the project or individually)

undeploy everything

kapp delete -a micropet-kpack kubectl delete ns ${MICROPETS_into_ns}

Configure Tanzu Application Platform

Instead of installing the component one by one (kpack, cartographer, knative), Tanzu Application Platform can be used instead.

Prerequisites are Kapp Controler and SecretGen Controler

kapp deploy -a kc -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/releases/latest/download/release.yml -y
kapp deploy -a sc -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-secretgen-controller/releases/download/v0.8.0/release.yml -y
kubectl get deployments.apps -n kapp-controller kapp-controller -o yaml | rg "kapp-controller.carvel.dev/version"

Make sure these files are not publicly available (for obvious reasons!).

You are now ready to apply the GitOps configuration (repository is the repository that will use these values)

kapp deploy -c -a tap-install-gitops -f <(ytt -f tap --data-value repository=https://github.com/bmoussaud/tap-install-gitops)

Then you can deploy the delivery & the supply chains

Supply Chains

With a ClusterSupplyChain, the app operators describe which "shape of applications" they deal with (via spec.selector), and what series of components are responsible for creating an artifact that delivers it (via spec.components).

Those Workloads that match spec.selector then go through the components specified in spec.components.

The micropet-service-supply-chain supplychain manages the backend services : dogs, cats, fishes and pets.


it includes

  1. Watch a repository using fluxcd/GitRepository
  2. Build a new image using kpack/Image
  3. Configure the application using kubernetes/ConfigMap
  4. Trigger a deployment using kapp-controler/kapp

All theses 4 resources are described in supply-chain-templates.yaml and put together in supply-chain.yaml

Then each service must provide a new workload based on this supply chain.

The association between a workload and the requested supplychain is based using labels: app.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type.

Example: request A new workload called micropet-service with the following git repository using the RANDOM_NUMBER mode and listening on the 7003 port.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: Workload
  name: dogs
    app.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: micropet-service
      url: https://github.com/bmoussaud/micropets-app/
        branch: master      
    - name: mode
      value: "RANDOM_NUMBER"
    - name: port
      value: 7003   
    - name: observability
      value: true   

apply this yaml definition and wacth

kubectl tree Workload dogs -n micropets-supplychain
Every 2,0s: kubectl tree Workload dogs -n micropets-supplychain                                                                           bmoussaud-a02.vmware.com: Fri Oct  1 16:02:08 2021

NAMESPACE              NAME                                             READY    REASON        AGE
micropets-supplychain  Workload/dogs                                    True     Ready         75s
micropets-supplychain  ├─App/dogs-application                           -                      25s
micropets-supplychain  ├─ConfigMap/micropet-service-dogs-config         -                      25s
micropets-supplychain  ├─GitRepository/micropet-dogs                    Unknown  Progressing   75s
micropets-supplychain  └─Image/micropet-dogs                            True                   70s
micropets-supplychain    ├─Build/micropet-dogs-build-1-tw6vt            -                      70s
micropets-supplychain    │ └─Pod/micropet-dogs-build-1-tw6vt-build-pod  False    PodCompleted  69s
micropets-supplychain    ├─PersistentVolumeClaim/micropet-dogs-cache    -                      70s
micropets-supplychain    └─SourceResolver/micropet-dogs-source          True                   70s

Several resources (kpack image, kapp-controler app, kubernetes config map, fluxcd git repository) are created and connected all together by the workload.

install cartographer and other components

Source : https://cartographer.sh/docs/install/ v0.0.7

# fluxcd
kubectl create clusterrolebinding gitops-toolkit-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=gitops-toolkit:default
kubectl create namespace gitops-toolkit
kapp deploy --yes -a gitops-toolkit --into-ns gitops-toolkit -f https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/releases/download/v0.15.4/source-controller.crds.yaml -f https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/releases/download/v0.15.4/source-controller.deployment.yaml
# cert-manager
kapp deploy -a cert-manager -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.6.1/cert-manager.yaml
# kapp-controler (if not there already)
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kapp-controler-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=micropets-supplychain:default
kapp deploy -a kapp-controler -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/releases/latest/download/release.yml
# cartographer
kubectl create namespace cartographer-system
kapp deploy -a cartographer -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/cartographer/releases/latest/download/cartographer.yaml


make fluxcd cert-manager (kapp-controler) cartographer

install the micropet Supply Chains

Edit supplychains/app-operator/supply_chain_values.yaml and change values.

image_prefix: library/micropet
  server: harbor.mytanzu.xyz
  domain: micropets.europe.mytanzu.xyz
➜ make supplychain
kubectl create namespace micropets-supplychain --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
namespace/micropets-supplychain configured
kubectl get namespace micropets-supplychain
NAME                    STATUS   AGE
micropets-supplychain   Active   78m
ytt --ignore-unknown-comments -f supplychains/app-operator | kapp deploy --yes --dangerous-override-ownership-of-existing-resources --into-ns micropets-supplychain -a micropet-tap -f-
Target cluster 'https://aws-europe-apiserver-1113135057.eu-west-3.elb.amazonaws.com:6443' (nodes: ip-10-0-0-136.eu-west-3.compute.internal, 3+)

04:35:31PM: info: Resources: Ignoring group version: schema.GroupVersionResource{Group:"stats.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com", Version:"v1alpha1", Resource:"antreanetworkpolicystats"}: feature NetworkPolicyStats disabled
04:35:31PM: info: Resources: Ignoring group version: schema.GroupVersionResource{Group:"stats.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com", Version:"v1alpha1", Resource:"networkpolicystats"}: feature NetworkPolicyStats disabled
04:35:31PM: info: Resources: Ignoring group version: schema.GroupVersionResource{Group:"stats.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com", Version:"v1alpha1", Resource:"antreaclusternetworkpolicystats"}: feature NetworkPolicyStats disabled


Namespace  Name                                   Kind                   Conds.  Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
(cluster)  micropet-deploy                        ClusterTemplate        -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-deploy-knative                ClusterTemplate        -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-gui-deploy                    ClusterTemplate        -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-gui-image                     ClusterImageTemplate   -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-gui-service-config            ClusterConfigTemplate  -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-gui-service-supply-chain      ClusterSupplyChain     -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-image                         ClusterImageTemplate   -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-service-config                ClusterConfigTemplate  -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-service-knative-supply-chain  ClusterSupplyChain     -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-service-supply-chain          ClusterSupplyChain     -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^          micropet-source                        ClusterSourceTemplate  -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -

Op:      11 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop
Wait to: 11 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop

4:35:31PM: ---- applying 11 changes [0/11 done] ----
4:35:31PM: create clustertemplate/micropet-gui-deploy (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustersupplychain/micropet-service-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustersupplychain/micropet-service-knative-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clusterconfigtemplate/micropet-gui-service-config (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clusterimagetemplate/micropet-image (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustersupplychain/micropet-gui-service-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustertemplate/micropet-deploy-knative (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clusterimagetemplate/micropet-gui-image (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clusterconfigtemplate/micropet-service-config (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustersourcetemplate/micropet-source (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: create clustertemplate/micropet-deploy (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ---- waiting on 11 changes [0/11 done] ----
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustertemplate/micropet-gui-deploy (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clusterimagetemplate/micropet-image (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clusterimagetemplate/micropet-gui-image (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustertemplate/micropet-deploy (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustersupplychain/micropet-gui-service-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clusterconfigtemplate/micropet-service-config (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustertemplate/micropet-deploy-knative (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustersupplychain/micropet-service-knative-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustersupplychain/micropet-service-supply-chain (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:31PM: ok: reconcile clustersourcetemplate/micropet-source (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:32PM: ok: reconcile clusterconfigtemplate/micropet-gui-service-config (carto.run/v1alpha1) cluster
4:35:32PM: ---- applying complete [11/11 done] ----
4:35:32PM: ---- waiting complete [11/11 done] ----


Cloud Native Runtime / KNative


kapp deploy -n default -a knative-serving-1.0 -f https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/knative-v1.0.0/serving-crds.yaml -f https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/knative-v1.0.0/serving-core.yaml

Ref: https://knative.dev/docs/install/serving/install-serving-with-yaml/


If Istio hasn't been installed

$kubectl create ns istio-system
$istioctl install --set profile=default -y
➜ istioctl install --set profile=default -y
✔ Istio core installed
✔ Istiod installed
✔ Ingress gateways installed
✔ Installation complete

Configure DNS

Ref: https://knative.dev/docs/install/serving/install-serving-with-yaml/#configure-dns

Fetch the External IP address or CNAME by running the command:

➜ kubectl --namespace istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                                      AGE
istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   a5ea5edbenoita79cbed84ee388a-1045033682.eu-west-3.elb.amazonaws.com   15021:30542/TCP,80:31378/TCP,443:30205/TCP   3m28s

*.cnr.mytanzu.xyz and cnr.mytanzu.xyz defined in AWS screen

Put this value in knative/values.yaml

Deploy Knative / Istio

The following command deploy knative 1.0.0 with the istio configuration. Moreover, with ytt, it overlays the configuration to configure the k-services to

  • to use a custom domain name (here cnr.mytanzu.xyz)
  • to use be exposed using either the default configuration ({{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}) or by reading the service.subdomain annotation set on the service.
ytt --ignore-unknown-comments -f knative \
		-f https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/knative-v1.0.0/serving-crds.yaml  \
		-f https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/knative-v1.0.0/serving-core.yaml  \
		-f https://github.com/knative/net-istio/releases/download/knative-v1.0.0/net-istio.yaml   \
	| kapp deploy --yes -n default -a knative-serving-1.0 -f-
	kubectl --namespace istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway

Check the configuration using :

kubectl get cm  -n knative-serving config-network  -o yaml
kubectl get cm  -n knative-serving config-domain  -o yaml

Deploy Deliverable & ClusterDelivery


Provided by the https://cartographer.sh project,

  • Deliverable allows the operator to pass information about the configuration to be applied to the environment to the delivery.

  • A ClusterDelivery is a cluster-scoped resources that enables application operators to define a continuous delivery workflow. Delivery is analogous to SupplyChain, in that it specifies a list of resources that are created when requested by the developer. Early resources in the delivery are expected to configure the k8s environment (for example by deploying an application). Later resources validate the environment is healthy.


Note 1: If your cluster has already been enrolled by TSM (Tanzu Service Mesh), exclude the following namespaces

  • cartographer-system
  • cert-manager
  • cartographer

Note 2: create an AKS Cluster using --network-plugin="azure"and --network-policy="calico" (https://fluxcd.io/docs/use-cases/azure/)


az group create --location eastus --resource-group aks-east-coast-2
az aks create \
 --network-plugin="azure" \
 --network-policy="calico" \
 --node-count 5 \
 --enable-managed-identity \
 --name="aks-east-coast-2" \
 --resource-group "aks-east-coast-2"

Note 3: if your cluster is a TKGm 1.4, Follow this documentation to pause it.

  • connect the management cluster
  • kubectl patch app/-kapp-controller -n default -p '{"spec":{"paused":true}}' --type=merge
  • connect the workload cluster
  • kubectl delete deployment kapp-controller -n tkg-system
kapp delete -a <clustername>-kapp-controller-ctrl
  1. Deploy the mandatory components:
make fluxcd cert-manager cartographer kapp-controler(-tkgm) 
  1. Check with the kapp list all the packages have been deployed.
➜ kapp list                                                                                                                                                                         
Target cluster 'https://xxxxx-aws-xxxx-apiserver-1764530553.eu-west-3.elb.amazonaws.com:6443' (nodes: 3+)

Apps in namespace 'default'

Name                                       Namespaces                             Lcs   Lca
bmoussaud-aws-europ2-kapp-controller-ctrl  (cluster),kube-system,tkg-system       true  48m
cartographer                               (cluster),cartographer-system          true  2m
cert-manager                               (cluster),cert-manager,kube-system     true  3m
gitops-toolkit                             (cluster),gitops-toolkit               true  48m
kapp-controler                             (cluster),kapp-controller,kube-system  true  47m
  1. Deploy the Delivery.
make namespace delivery

The command-line above generates secrets based on 2 files:

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa for the key (env SSH_KEY_FILE)
  • ~/.ssh/known_hosts_github for the known_hosts (env SSH_KNOWN_HOST_FILE) you can set the associated env in front of the make command: SSH_KNOWN_HOST_FILE=~/.ssh/known_hosts make delivery
  1. Create a deliverable per service (cats,dogs,fishes,pets,gui)
cd repository 
make deliverables ENV=env/europe-3