
Docker image for XL Deploy

Primary LanguageDockerfile

XL Docker image for XL Deploy

This repository contains the source code for three flavors of Docker images for XL Deploy:

  1. The regular image, which is based on Debian (slim) Linux flavor of the OpenJDK base image

  2. An alternative image, which is based on the CentOS 7 base image and has OpenJDK 1.8 installed

  3. The Red Hat-certified image, which is based on the registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel-atomic[Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic 7 base image] and has OpenJDK 1.8 installed

This document only describes how to build these images. For user documentation, please refer to the following packages from the XebiaLabs documentation site:

Building and publishing the images

Before building an image, download the right version of the server ZIP for XL Deploy from the XebiaLabs distribution site and put it in the resources directory. For example, to build the image for XL Deploy 8.1.0, put the file called xl-deploy-8.1.0-server.zip in the resources directory.

Debian-based image

To build the regular, Debian slim-based image:

$ docker build --build-arg XLD_VERSION=8.1.0 --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1 --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1-debian-slim --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0 --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0-debian-slim -f debian-slim/Dockerfile .

To publish the regular, Debian slim-based image:

$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1
$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1-debian-slim
$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0
$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0-debian-slim

CentOS-based image

To build the alternative, CentOS-based image:

$ docker build --build-arg XLD_VERSION=8.1.0 --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1-centos --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0-centos -f centos/Dockerfile .

To publish the alternative, CentOS-based image:

$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1-centos
$ docker push xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0-centos

Red Hat-certified image

To build the Red Hat-certified image:

$ docker build --build-arg XLD_VERSION=8.1.0 --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1-rhel --tag xebialabs/xl-deploy:8.1.0-rhel -f rhel/Dockerfile .