
A simple blog with react

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple blog created with react. Json Server from npm is used as the backend server. The data for Json Server will be available in data/posts.json.

Running the App

Install the JSON Server

To install the Json Server from npm

npm install -g json-server

Starting the JSON Server

The JSON Server automatically creates CRUD APIs (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) for the entities available in the JSON file.

json-server --watch data/posts.json --port 8000

Note: If you don't want to load the inital data in the application. you can add/remove it from posts.json

Starting the React App

The below command starts the react application in port 3000 by default.

npm run start

To override the port set env:PORT

PORT=8081 npm run start

Created with my learnings from this Youtube tutorial. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App