
Tools for working with HTRC Feature Extraction files

Primary LanguagePython

HTRC-Features Build Status PyPI version Anaconda-Server Badge

Tools for working with the HTRC Extracted Features dataset, a dataset of page-level text analysis features extracted from from 4.8 million public domain volumes.

This library provides a FeatureReader for parsing files, which are handled as Volume objects with collections of Page objects. Volumes provide access to metadata (e.g. language), volume-wide feature information (e.g. token counts), and access to Pages. Pages allow you to easily parse page-level features, particularly token lists.

This library makes heavy use of Pandas, returning many data representations as DataFrames. This is the leading way of dealing with structured data in Python, so this library doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. Since refactoring around Pandas, the primary benefit of using the HTRC Feature Reader is performance: reading the json structures and parsing them is generally faster than custom code. You also get convenient access to common information, such as case-folded token counts or part-of-page specific character counts. Details of the public methods provided by this library can be found in the HTRC Feature Reader docs.

Table of Contents: Installation | Usage | Additional Notes

Links: HTRC Feature Reader Documentation | HTRC Extracted Features Dataset

Citation: Peter Organisciak and Boris Capitanu, "Text Mining in Python through the HTRC Feature Reader," Programming Historian, (22 November 2016), http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/text-mining-with-extracted-features.


To install,

    pip install htrc-feature-reader

That's it! This library is written for Python 2.7 and 3.0+. For Python beginners, you'll need pip.

Alternately, if you are using Anaconda, you can install with

    conda install -c htrc htrc-feature-reader

This approach is recommended, because it makes sure that some of the hard-to-install dependencies are properly installed.

Given the nature of data analysis, using iPython with Jupyter notebooks for preparing your scripts interactively is a recommended convenience. Most basically, it can be installed with pip install ipython[notebook] and run with ipython notebook from the command line, which starts a session that you can access through your browser. If this doesn't work, consult the iPython documentation.

Optional: installing the development version.


Note: for new Python users, a more in-depth lesson is published by Programming Historian: Text Mining in Python through the HTRC Feature Reader. That leis lesson is also the official citation associated with the HTRC Feature Reader library.

Reading feature files

The easiest way to start using this library is to use the FeatureReader interface, which takes a list of paths.

import glob
import pandas as pd
from htrc_features import FeatureReader
paths = glob.glob('data/PZ-volumes/*.json.bz2')
# Here we're loading five paths, for brevity
fr = FeatureReader(paths[:5])
for vol in fr.volumes():
    print("%s - %s" % (vol.id, vol.title))
hvd.32044010273894 - The ballet dancer, and On guard,
njp.32101068970662 - Seven years, and other tales / by Julia Kavanagh.
nyp.33433074811310 - June / by Edith Barnard Delano ; with illustrations.
nyp.33433075749246 - You never know your luck; being the story of a matrimonial deserter, by Gilbert Parker ... illustrated by W.L. Jacobs.
mdp.39015028036104 - Russian short stories, ed. for school use,

Iterating on FeatureReader returns Volume objects. This is simply an easy way to access feature_reader.volumes(). Wherever possible, this library tries not to hold things in memory, so most of the time you want to iterate rather than casting to a list. In addition to memory issues, since each volume needs to be read from a file and initialized, it will be slow. Woe to whomever tries list(FeatureReader.volumes()).

The method for creating a path list with 'glob' is just one way to do so. For large sets, it's better to just have a text file of your paths, and read it line by line.

The feature reader also has a useful method, multiprocessing(map_func), for chunking a running functions across multiple processes. This is an advanced feature, but extremely helpful for any large-scale processing.

In addition to iterating on feature_reader.volumes(), there is a convenient function to grab the first volume in a feature reader. This helps in testing code, and is what we'll do to continue this introduction:

vol = fr.first()
<htrc_features.feature_reader.Volume at 0x1d2ffc52240>


A Volume contains information about the current work and access to the pages of the work. All the metadata fields from the HTRC JSON file are accessible as properties of the volume object, including title, language, imprint, oclc, pubDate, and genre. The main identifier id and pageCount are also accessible, and you can find the URL for the Full View of the text in the HathiTrust Digital Library - if it exists - with vol.handle_url.

"Volume %s is a %s page text written in %s. You can doublecheck at %s" % (vol.id, vol.page_count,
                                                                          vol.language, vol.handle_url)
'Volume hvd.32044010273894 is a 284 page text written in eng. You can doublecheck at http://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.32044010273894'

As a convenience, Volume.year returns Volume.pub_date:

"%s == %s" % (vol.pub_date, vol.year)
'1901 == 1901'

Volume objects have an page genrator method for pages, through Volume.pages(). Iterating through pages using this generator only keeps one page at a time in memory, and again it is preferable to reading all the pages into the list at once. Unlike volumes, your computer can probably hold all the pages of a single volume in memory, so it is not dire if you try to read them into a list.

Like with the FeatureReader, you can also access the page generator by iterating directly on the object (i.e. for page in vol). Python beginners may find that using vol.pages() is more clear as to what is happening.

# Let's skip ahead some pages
i = 0
for page in vol:
    # Same as `for page in vol.pages()`
    i += 1
    if i >= 16:
<page 00000016 of volume hvd.32044010273894>

If you want to pass arguments to page initialization, such as changing the page's default section from 'body' to 'group' (which returns header+footer+body), it can be done with for page in vol.pages(default_section='group').

Finally, if the minimal metadata included with the extracted feature files is insufficient, you can fetch the HTRC's metadata record from the Solr Proxy with vol.metadata. Remember that this calls the HTRC servers for each volume, so can add considerable overhead.

for vol in fr.volumes():
New York, and London, Harper & brothers, 1901
London : Hurst and Blackett, 1860
Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916 (Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
New York, George H. Doran Company [1914]
Chicago, New York, Scott, Foresman and company [c1919]
print("METADATA FIELDS: " + ", ".join(vol.metadata.keys()))
METADATA FIELDS: _version_, htrc_charCount, title, htrc_volumePageCountBin, publishDate, title_a, mainauthor, author_only, oclc, authorSort, country_of_pub, author, htrc_gender, language, ht_id, publisher, author_top, publishDateRange, htrc_pageCount, title_top, callnosort, publication_place, topic, htsource, htrc_wordCount, title_ab, callnumber, fullrecord, htrc_volumeWordCountBin, format, lccn, genre, htrc_genderMale, topic_subject, topicStr, geographic, published, sdrnum, id

At large-scales, using vol.metadata is an impolite and inefficient amount of server pinging; there are better ways to query the API than one volume at a time. Read about the HTRC Solr Proxy.

Another source of bibliographic metadata is the HathiTrust Bib API. You can access this information through the URL returned with vol.ht_bib_url:


Volumes also have direct access to volume-wide info of features stored in pages. For example, you can get a list of words per page through Volume.tokens_per_page(). We'll discuss these features below, after looking first at Pages.


A page contains the meat of the HTRC's extracted features, including information for:

  • Part of speech tagged token counts, through Page.tokenlist()
  • Counts of the characters occurred at the start and end of physical lines, though Page.lineCounts()
  • Sentence counts, line counts (referring to the physical line on the page)
  • And more, seen in the docs for Page
print("The body has %s lines, %s empty lines, and %s sentences" % (page.line_count(),
The body has 30 lines, 0 empty lines, and 9 sentences

Since the HTRC provides information by header/body/footer, most methods take a section= argument. If not specified, this defaults to "body", or whatever argument is supplied to Page.default_section.

print("%s tokens in the default section, %s" % (page.token_count(), page.default_section))
print("%s tokens in the header" % (page.token_count(section='header')))
print("%s tokens in the footer" % (page.token_count(section='footer')))
294 tokens in the default section, body
3 tokens in the header
0 tokens in the footer

There are also two special arguments that can be given to section: "all" and "group". 'all' returns information for each section separately, when appropriate, while 'group' returns information for all header, body, and footer combined.

print("%s tokens on the full page" % (page.token_count(section='group')))
assert(page.token_count(section='group') == (page.token_count(section='header') +
                                             page.token_count(section='body') + 
297 tokens on the full page

Note that for the most part, the properties of the Page and Volume objects aligns with the names in the HTRC Extracted Features schema, except they are converted to follow Python naming conventions: converting the CamelCase of the schema to lowercase_with_underscores. E.g. beginLineChars from the HTRC data is accessible as Page.begin_line_chars.

The fun stuff: playing with token counts and character counts

Token counts are returned by Page.tokenlist(). By default, part-of-speech tagged, case-sensitive counts are returned for the body.

The token count information is returned as a DataFrame with a MultiIndex (page, section, token, and part of speech) and one column (count).

page section token    pos       
16   body    !        .        1
             '        ''       1
             'Flowers NNS      1

Page.tokenlist() can be manipulated in various ways. You can case-fold, for example:

df = page.tokenlist(case=False)
page section lowercase pos       
16   body    ancient   JJ       1
             and       CC      12
             any       DT       1

Or, you can combine part of speech counts into a single integer.

df = page.tokenlist(pos=False)
page section token          
16   body    Naples        1
             November      1
             October       1

Section arguments are valid here: 'header', 'body', 'footer', 'all', and 'group'

df = page.tokenlist(section="header", case=False, pos=False)
page section lowercase       
16   header  ballet         1
             dancer         1
             the            1

The MultiIndex makes it easy to slice the results, and it is althogether more memory-efficient. If you are new to Pandas DataFrames, you might find it easier to learn by converting the index to columns.

df = page.tokenlist()
# Slicing on Multiindex: get all Signular or Mass Nouns (NN)
idx = pd.IndexSlice
nouns = df.loc[idx[:,:,:,'NN'],]
print("With index reset: ")
page section token        pos       
16   body    benefactress NN       1
             bitterness   NN       1
             case         NN       1
With index reset: 
   page section         token pos  count
0    16    body  benefactress  NN      1
1    16    body    bitterness  NN      1

If you prefer not to use Pandas, you can always convert the object, with methods like to_dict and to_csv).

{'count': {(16, 'body', '!', '.'): 1,
  (16, 'body', "'", "''"): 1,
  (16, 'body', "'Flowers", 'NNS'): 1}}

To get just the unique tokens, Page.tokens provides them as a list.

['!', "'", "'Flowers", "'s", ',', '.', '6']

In addition to token lists, you can also access Page.begin_line_chars and Section.end_line_chars, which are DataFrames of character counts that occur at the start or end of a line.

Volume stats collecting

The Volume object has a number of methods for collecting information from all its pages.

Volume.tokenlist() works identically the page tokenlist method, except it returns information for the full volume:

# Print case-insensitive occurrances of the word `she`
all_vol_token_counts = vol.tokenlist(pos=False, case=False)
print(all_vol_token_counts.loc[idx[:,'body', 'she'],][:3])
page section lowercase       
38   body    she            1
39   body    she            1
42   body    she            1

Note that a Volume-wide tokenlist is not crunched until you need it, then it will stay cached in case you need it. If you try to access Page.tokenlist() after accessing Volume.tokenlist(), the Page object will return that page from the Volume's cached representation, rather than preparing it itself.

Volume.tokens(), and Volume.tokens_per_page() give easy access to the full vocabulary of the volume, and the token counts per page.

['"', '.', ':', 'Fred', 'Newton', 'Scott', 'gift', 'i', 'ii', 'iiiiISI']

If you prefer a DataFrame structured like a term-document matrix (where pages are the 'documents'), vol.term_page_freqs() will return it.

By default, this returns a page-frequency rather than term-frequency, which is to say it counts 1 when a term occurs on a page, regardless of how much it occurs on that page. For a term frequency, pass page_freq=False.

a = vol.term_page_freqs()
print(a.loc[10:11,['the','and','is','he', 'she']])
a = vol.term_page_freqs(page_freq=False)
print(a.loc[10:11,['the','and','is', 'he', 'she']])
token  the  and   is   he  she
10     0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
11     1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
token   the  and   is   he  she
10      0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
11     22.0  7.0  4.0  0.0  0.0

Volume.term_page_freqs provides a wide DataFrame resembling a matrix, where terms are listed as columns, pages are listed as rows, and the values correspond to the term frequency (or page page frequency with page_freq=true). Volume.term_volume_freqs() simply sums these.


For faster processing, you can write a mapping function for acting on volumes, then pass it to FeatureReader.multiprocessing. This sends out the function to a different process per volume, spawning (CPU_CORES-1) processes at a time. The map function receives the feature_reader and a volume path as a tuple, and needs to initialize the volume.

Here's a simple example that returns the term counts for each volume (take note of the first two lines of the function):

def printTokenList(args):
    fr, path = args
    vol = fr.create_volume(path)
    return ('tokens', vol.tokens)

fr  = FeatureReader(paths)
all_tokens = []
mapper = fr.multiprocessing(printTokenList)
for key, result in mapper:
    all_tokens = all_tokens + result

Some rules: results must be serializeable, and the map_func must be accessible from main (basically: no dynamic functions: they should be written plainly in your script).

The results are collected and returned together, so you don't want a feature reader with all 4.8 million files, because the results will be too much memory (depending on how big your result is). Instead, it easier to initialize feature readers for smaller batches.

GNU Parallel

As an alternative to multiprocessing in Python, my preference is to have simpler Python scripts and to use GNU Parallel on the command line. To do this, you can set up your Python script to take variable length arguments of feature file paths, and to print to stdout.

This psuedo-code shows how that you'd use parallel, where the number of parallel processes is 90% the number of cores, and 50 paths are sent to the script at a time (if you send too little at a time, the initialization time of the script can add up).

find feature-files/ -name '*json.bz2' | parallel --eta --jobs 90% -n 50 python your_script.py >output.txt

Additional Notes

Installing the development version

git clone https://github.com/htrc/htrc-feature-reader.git
cd htrc-feature-reader
python setup.py install

Iterating through the JSON files

If you need to do fast, highly customized processing without instantiating Volumes, FeatureReader has a convenient generator for getting the raw JSON as a Python dict: fr.jsons(). This simply does the file reading, optional decompression, and JSON parsing.

Getting the Rsync URL

If you have a HathiTrust Volume ID and want to be able to download the features for a specific book, hrtc_features.utils contains an id_to_rsync function. This uses the pairtree library but has a fallback written with that library is not installed, since it isn't compatible with Python 3.

from htrc_features import utils

See the ID to Rsync notebook for more information on this format and on Rsyncing lists of urls.

There is also a command line utility installed with the HTRC Feature Reader:

$ htid2rsync miun.adx6300.0001.001

Advanced Features

In the beta Extracted Features release, schema 2.0, a few features were separated out to an advanced files. However, this designation is no longer present starting with schema 3.0, meaning information like beginLineChars, endLineChars, and capAlphaSeq are always available:

# What is the longest sequence of capital letter on each page?
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1]
end_line_chars = vol.end_line_chars()
page section place char       
2    body    end   -         1
                   :         1
                   I         1
                   f         1
                   t         1
# Find pages that have lines ending with "!"
idx = pd.IndexSlice
page section place char       
45   body    end   !         1
75   body    end   !         1
77   body    end   !         1
91   body    end   !         1
92   body    end   !         1


This library is meant to be compatible with Python 3.2+ and Python 2.7+. Tests are written for py.test and can be run with setup.py test, or directly with python -m py.test -v.

If you find a bug, leave an issue on the issue tracker, or contact Peter Organisciak at organisciak+htrc@gmail.com.