
A quick reference for mapping Coq tactics to Lean tactics

Coq to Lean Tactic Cheatsheet

This is a guide for coq users getting into writing lean proofs.

Right now this is for my favorite tactics. Please PR your own or request additions via issue tracker or lean gitter.

n/a doesn't mean it doesn't exist, only that I don't know about it.

Coq Tactic Lean Tactic Notes
; ;
assumption assumption
admit admit
apply n/a lean apply is coq eapply
apply H in A note A2 := H A Will create a new hypothesis A2, and A will persist
assert assert
auto n/a
autorewrite n/a simp using <attribute> approximates
change change
change with n/a
clear clear no clear -
constructor constructor
destruct cases
destruct x eqn:? destruct x
eapply apply
apply n/a
exact exact
exfalso exfalso
exists existsi
eexists existsi _
f_equal apply congr_args
fail fail_if_success {skip}
`first [A B ..
generalize x generalize x y y is name of the new variable, the name must be provided
generalize dependent revert
idtac skip skip does not print, succeeds trivially
induction induction
intro intro
intuition n/a
inversion n/a
left left
omega n/a smt support?
pose pose
pose proof note
progress n/a lean tactics by convention should fail if they don't progress
remember x as y eqn:h generalize2 x y h names must be provided
revert n/a always dependent
revert dependent revert
rewrite rewrite, rw
right right
simpl dsimp to some approximation at least..
simpl in dsimp at
simpl in * dsimp at * new versions
solve solve1
specialize H x note H2 := H x H remains
split split
subst x subst x
subst n/a
symmetry symmetry
transitivity transitivity
trivial trivial
try T try {T} curly braces required
unfold unfold
unfold in unfold at