
Formal proof about pseudorandom generators with FCF

Primary LanguageCoq

Ben Sherman Final Project: Formal proofs of asymptotic cryptographic properties 6.875 : Cryptography

How to "run" the Coq code

The file CSD.v is the Coq code which contains my definitions as well as theorems and proofs. One can read the source code to learn about these definitions and see what has been proved.

Additionally, it is also possible to load the file in Coq. This allows one to

  1. Check that definitions typecheck, and that the proofs of theorems are valid.
  2. Execute definitions (and theorems!) as one would in a conventional interpreter for a programming language
  3. Interactively inspect proofs to see how the proof was accomplished.

To run the Coq code, follow the following steps:

  • Install Coq v8.4pl6. See https://coq.inria.fr/coq-84. Note that Coq v8.4pl6 is not the most recent version of Coq, so take special care to install this version. Download the version which has CoqIDE bundled with it.
  • Download and compile the Foundational Cryptography Framework: https://github.com/adampetcher/fcf
  • Modify the _CoqProject file to point to the correct filepath that points to wherever you downloaded the Foundational Cryptography Framework.
  • Open CSD.v in CoqIDE. At this point, you can interactively step through the code and proofs.