
Audition challenge project, take 2

Challenge Project:

  1. Deploy a simple hello world web app to AWS using "eb_deployer"
    1. The basic instructions for using eb_deployer are in the readme:
    2. The "hello world" application can be in any language. You don't need to write this application, just get it deployed. You can find sample applications to download here:
  2. eb_deployer supports the notion of a "resources" stack, which is an additional cloudformation stack to hold supplementary resources, like databases, roles, etc. Add a resources stack to your configuration, which just includes a custom IAM role and instance profile for your ec2 instances in your web apps. The policy for the role can be anything, just show that you can add a custom role. Include a stack output for the instance profile name. See the following links for a sample of using a resource stack
    1. https://github.com/ThoughtWorksStudios/eb_deployer/blob/master/samples/multi_components/config/eb_deployer.yml#L99
    2. https://github.com/ThoughtWorksStudios/eb_deployer/blob/master/samples/multi_components/config/aws_resources.json
  3. Lastly, write a ruby rake task that queries and prints the instance profile name by querying the output of the resources stack. Use the "EbDeployer.query_resource_output" function to make this query.
    (see https://github.com/ThoughtWorksStudios/eb_deployer/blob/46c7688557221bb86845cb372d7dd75793c7993b/lib/eb_deployer.rb#L45)