
Homegrown version(s) of wordle word puzzle to practice coding and have fun

Primary LanguageAwk

Wordle on the Command Line

Using awk

Download the repo

git clone git@github.com:bmsnook/wordle.git
cd wordle

and then either run the program in Docker

docker build -f Dockerfile-awk -t wordle-awk .
docker run -it wordle-awk


docker build -f Dockerfile-pycli -t wordle-pycli .
docker run -it wordle-pycli

or just run it at the command line




(The reason I use Dockerfile-awk is because I envision future versions in other languages and I don't know that I'd necessarily want to start them all at the same time, so I anticipate future use of Dockerfile-python and Dockerfile-java, for instance)

NOTE on building behind corporate firewalls/filters that use MITM to examine SSL/TLS traffic:

If you receive an error while building to the effect of "site couldn't be verified", you likely have a MITM device decrypting outbound traffic and it is returning a certificate path that the Docker container doesn't recognize. The workaround is to copy the local cacerts file your browser uses to recognize internal/corporate sites to LOCAL-CACERTS.pem and then use the file Dockerfile-awk-MITM instead of Dockerfile-awk to build (actually, the MITM file should work for either use case, since it uses a wildcard to copy the file and will silently fail if the file is not found locally, but I didn't want to clutter the file for basic use cases).

For example:

docker build -f Dockerfile-awk-MITM -t wordle-awk .
docker run -it wordle-awk

NOTE on wordlists:

I've generated/downloaded wordlists two different ways. Feel free to use the included wordlists (in the wordlists directory) or generate/find your own.

First, I generated a wordlist from the aspell dictionary on Linux. I can't claim credit for the aspell commands, which I found here:


I did write a script to massage the data to be usable for Wordle. Please see the script mkwords.sh

Second, I used the following page


for inspiration in finding the script page used to store the wordlists. I wrote an awk script to download and digest the wordlist in case it changes in the future. Please see the script get_nyt_wordlists.awk

Feel free to edit or use your own wordlists!


I realize the current notation for differentiating unguessed/wrong/misplaced/correct letters is somewhat abysmal. I've played around with using lowercase for unselected letters, but I didn't like it much better. Although I mostly wrote this as a scripting/programming exercise, and a framework to port over to Python for learning, I'm open to suggestions/feedback if anyone else actually finds and plays this.

The Real Deal™

Of course, for the real experience of Wordle, you should check out the NYT version online


and/or download one of the multiple versions available on device app stores.