
Hazelcast Docker Simple Test

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Contains a simple application that starts a hazelcast instance. The main purpose of this is to test hazelcast in docker container.

  1. Status


This is release candidate code, tested against Hazelcast 3.7+ releases.


  • 1.0-RC1: Tested against Hazelcast 3.7+ releases


Building from source

  • From the root of this project, build a Jar : ./gradlew build


  • Locate the tcp-ip section in hazelcast.xml file located in the docs folder, copy it to a desired location and adjust the member IP addresses to your need
  • Run the jar file from the root of this project folder java -Dhazelcast.config=/path/to/hazelcast.xml -jar build/libs/hazelcast-docker-test-1.0-RC1.jar from inside your root project

NOTE: -Dhazelcast.config system property configures Hazelcast to use the xml file your provide instead of the default hazelcast.xml file that ships with Hazelcast

Docker info

To run this application in a docker container use the Dockerfile included in this project to build a docker image.

  • From the root of this project build a docker image : ./gradlew --parallel --configure-on-demand buildTagDockerImage -x test -PimageTag=latest
  • Copy and modify the hazelcast.xml file found in the docs folder of this project.
  • Run a application in a docker container using the following command.
docker run --rm=true -v /path/to/hazelcastxml/directory:/config -p 40001:5701 [DOCKER_IMAGE_ID] java -Dhazelcast.config=/config/hazelcast.xml -jar /hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-test.jar


[DOCKER_IMAGE_ID] is the docker image ID that is generated when building docker image. You can find the image id by running docker images from command line. It will output something similar to:

REPOSITORY              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hazelcast-docker-test   latest              7ca3883448c8        50 minutes ago      119.7 MB
java                    8u92-jre-alpine     bd8e525f9770        2 weeks ago         107.8 MB

/hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-test.jar is created when building the docker image. Please refer to Dockerfile on line 17.

COPY build/libs/hazelcast-docker-test-1.0-RC1.jar /hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-test.jar

If you have issue with docker host when running the docker image build on Mac, please refer to this github issue: docker for mac 1.12 cannot connect

Specifically, the comment by bitsofinfo solved the problem for me for Mac

brew install socat
nohup socat -4 TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock &