
mobile app using react native, firebase, and qr code system to allow users to notify other users when their laundry is done

Primary LanguageJava


When Person A goes to the laundry place and finds Person B's clothes in the machine, Person A has to wait until Person B returns to take their clothes out.

This app tries to solve Person A's problem and time from waiting until Person B remembers to take their clothes out. On the app, Person B can scan a QR code on a machine to be notified when Person A wants to use the machine and that Person B's laundry is complete. When Person A sees a machine that is complete and yet holding Person B's clothes, Person A can scan the QR code to send an annoymous notification to Person B saying that their clothes is ready to be removed from the machine.

The aim is to make it a mobile app using React Native for iOS and Android, and a QR code system.