
this is a README repo meant to be a place where colleagues can help each other out by posting opportunities for everyone to see


Type Deadline Notes Links
Job/Internship N/A New Grad Software Engineering @ TikTok with a Recruiter's referral Link
Free Online Course N/A The Self Learners Path Guide to Programming Link
Free Bootcamp N/A Frontend Masters Link
Learning Resources For all different level of categories Link
Python Tutorial N/A W3Schools Link
Mentor Program N/A Get you a professional with in the field of interest which will be your personal mentor Link
Free Womens Bootcamp N/A Ada developers academy Link
$40 subscription Online Course N/A CodeAcademy Link
Free Online Course N/A Free Code Camp Link
Free 4-6 Month BootCamp Cohort starts in March, join the mailing list now for application Reskill America Link
Apprenticeship UX paid apprenticeship Constructive.co Link
YouTube Tutorial N/A Playlist of video tutorial on Python by BroCode Link
Internships May Software Engineering Internship @ Nasdaq in Boston! Contact internship@nasdaq.com! Email Link