Gossipr is a Jabber (XMPP) component that logs chat rooms to a database and provides an optional web interface to view those logs. Gossipr uses Python's Twisted and is thoroughly asynchronous.
First, edit your jabber server config file to allow for a new component connection. If you are using ejabberd, this can be done by adding the following lines to the services section of your ejabberd.cfg file. Make sure to change the password to something actually secret, and then restart your jabber server.
{5524, ejabberd_service, [ {ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}}, {access, all}, {shaper_rule, fast}, {host, "gossipr.localhost", [{password, "secret"}]} ]},
Install Twisted.
Install Twistar
Install mako
First, get the source: git clone git://github.com/bmuller/gossipr.git
Then, within the gossipr directory: sudo python setup.py install
Then, after creating a database and setting up a user account that can access it, import the DB structure: mysql -u -p < db/mysql.sql
At this point, you can copy config.py.dist to config.py and edit it for your configuration. At this point, you can copy your config.py and the gossipr.tac file anywhere you'd like and can start the server with: twistd -noy gossipr.tac
See the twistd man page for more information.