
Drupal 8 port of the Bad Behavior module

Primary LanguagePHP



Original Drupal module by:

Additional commits for module improvement by:

Bad Behavior PHP Scripts by:


Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts that prevents spambots from accessing your website by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however.

The problem: Spammers run automated scripts which read everything on your website and harvest email addresses. If you have a blog, forum or wiki, they will attempt to post spam directly to your site. They also put false referrers in your server log, attempting to get links posted through your stats page.

As the operator of a website, these spambots can cause you several problems. First, the spammers are wasting your bandwidth, which you may well be paying for. Second, they are posting comments to any form they can find, filling your website with unwanted (and unpaid!) ads for their products. Last but not least, they harvest any email addresses they can find and sell those to other spammers, who fill your inbox with more unwanted ads.

Bad Behavior intends to target any malicious software directed at a website, whether it be a spambot, ill-designed search engine bot, or system cracker.


  • Drupal 8.x (single-site installation only supported at this time)
  • BadBehavior 2.2.20


With Drush, you can do the normal

drush dl badbehavior drush en badbehavior

and it will even install the BadBehavior PHP script automatically.


  1. Extract the tarball into the modules folder of your Drupal install.

  2. Download the current release of the BadBehavior PHP scripts from http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bad-behavior.2.2.20.zip and unzip it. Then move the resulting "bad-behavior" directory into your /[path/to/site]/sites/all/libraries/ directory.

    Here are the recommended steps to do this from the command line:

    cd /[path/to/site]/sites/all/libraries/ wget http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bad-behavior.2.2.20.zip mv bad-behavior bad-behavior.bak unzip bad-behavior.2.2.20.zip rm bad-behavior.2.2.20.zip rm -R bad-behavior.bak (after the new version is verified as working)

  3. Enable the module as usual from the Admin > Modules page.

  4. Information on whitelisting:

    The whitelist file would need to be created here: /[path/to/site]/sites/all/libraries/bad-behavior/whitelist.ini

    You can see an example file for whitelisting here: /[path/to/site]/sites/all/libraries/bad-behavior/whitelist-sample.ini


  1. Configure settings in Admin > Settings > Bad Behavior.

  2. View the BadBehavior logs in Admin > Reports > Bad Behavior. (Click on the detail link next to any log item for full details)

  3. View the current Bad Behavior installation status in Admin > Reports.


  1. Reverse Proxies & Load Balancers: Bad Behavior script library, as of version 2.1.9, supports reverse proxies and load balancers via a set of configurable options. Once this support is enabled, BB2 will try to determine the actual IP address of the client by examining certain HTTP headers, instead of using the local host IP. This is usually the 'X-Forwarded-For' header, which is added to the incoming headers by the proxy sitting in front of your web server.

    If you enable Drupal's built-in 'reverse_proxy' option as described in your site's settings.php file, the Drupal Bad Behavior module will enable BB2's reverse proxy support by default. You can override this default behavior by visiting the Bad Behavior module's settings page, and unchecking the 'Enable reverse proxy support' option.

    DO NOT ENABLE REVERSE PROXY SUPPORT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING or you may end up blocking your site visitors.

    For more information, see: http://bad-behavior.ioerror.us/support/configuration/ http://drupal.org/node/425990


See: http://bad-behavior.ioerror.us/support/faq/