- 0
- 2
- 2
Classifiers can be switched in grid search in a pipeline (the documentation says doesn't)
#16 opened by singhkpratham - 5
ValueError: selected model does not provide classes_ with dask_ml.model_selection
#15 opened by Smolky - 2
- 5
- 4
- 2
Accessing the best_estimator_ attribute
#10 opened by browshanravan - 2
RandomizedSearchCV compatibility?
#8 opened by browshanravan - 1
XGBoost support?
#9 opened by browshanravan - 2
- 2
cannot import name 'PipelineHelper' from 'pipelinehelper' (unknown location)
#6 opened by browshanravan - 3
multimodels on text classification
#5 opened by ahossanmarc - 1
- 1
Your model does not support predict_proba
#3 opened by jessequinn - 4
scoring with ROC_AUC
#2 opened by jessequinn