Modules compiled each time ...
GWRon opened this issue · 3 comments
Dunno why ... but since some days BMK thinks it needs to compile some of my modules over and over again (I cleaned out etc - and it compiled ALL required - from then on, it just recompiles the one in the gif animation ...each time)
(the gif contains 2 compile runs - not a single looped one)
How to narrow down what "really" is the issue here?
I assume it is some file timestamp thing ... albeit they look good in the file manager.
Ok ... I truncated the sample down ...
I then cleaned out the .bmx folder of glgraphics.mod - so it did a fresh rebuild:
Check the file dates on the right ... then I waited a minute and did another compile (which recompiled that module):
Do you see this odd "mbg_glgraphics.linux.c.debug.linux.x64.o" ???
- where does that come from?
- why isn't it rebuilt like the other files?
Might it be the "new incbin" thing ?
[ 49%] Compiling:glgraphics.linux.c
gcc -I/home/ronny/Arbeit/Tools/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/glgraphics.mod -I/home/ronny/Arbeit/Tools/BlitzMaxNG/mod -I/home/ronny/Arbeit/Tools/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/blitz.mod -DNDEBUG -DTHREADED -w -DBMX_NG -fno-strict-aliasing -fpie -fno-exceptions -c -O3 -msse3 -s -o /home/ronny/Arbeit/Tools/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/glgraphics.mod/.bmx/mbg_glgraphics.linux.c.release.linux.x64.o /home/ronny/Arbeit/Tools/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/glgraphics.mod/glgraphics.linux.c
I thought it was "PPFix()" - you (@woollybah) added it there:
this function leads to this "mbg_" file...
... but nope
I undo'd this change, it then recompiled a lot more modules (a single time -- think because the GC-stuff was no longer prefixed). But it did not fix it ... glgraphics.mod is still recompiled each time.
Argh ... I tried to undo the latest commits ... (especially 7ac27e8) ... but then I saw that I did not have this parameter.
SmartGit was of the meaning I am on the latest revision (no green arrow indicator) ... pulled and fetched latest additions ... recompiled bmk ... and works now
grr seems today is not my day ... sorry for all the fuss.