
Python Library to use the implementation of the REST protocol of Tenable’s Nessus scanner. You can use Nessus from your scripts easily!

Primary LanguagePython


Python Library to use the implementation of the REST protocol of Tenable’s Nessus scanner. You can use Nessus from your scripts easily!


Recommended installation using setuptools. Just type: python setup.py install

##Usage. Some examples to use pynessus-rest.

  • Login with the Nessus server.
from pynessus.rest.client.NessusClient import NessusClient
client = NessusClient('','8834')
  • Print the Nessus Feed.
print client.feed()
  • List of policies
  • Upload a policy
client.policyFileUpload("tested.nessus", contents)
  • Import a policy
  • Start a new scan
  • Stop a existing scan
  • Creates a new Scan Template
client.scanTemplateNew('1','', 'NewTemplate')
  • Launches a new Scan using the specified templte
  • List of generated reports
  • Report Details for a specific port number
client.reportDetails('e26d6acf-75b2-a4cb-0ca6-879f0da6ab571a375b02539ff736', '', '139', 'tcp')
  • List of host for a specific report
  • List of host for a specific report

Using NessusConverter to parse the JSON Response.

The JSON response for some functions of Nessus is very large and complex. Usually, parsing that data structures is a hard job. The NessusConverter class parses the JSON response and generates a Python object with every field filled with the data received from the server. Check the NessusConverter function and NessusStructure attributes to get a clear idea.

  • List the report Attributes.
nessusConverter = NessusConverter(client.reportAttributesList("2e8ed9f5-79b5-4f60-d223-bc08e9688c79a606b97c670a7deb"))
for reportAttribute in nessusConverter.nessusStructure.nessusReportAttributes:
	print reportAttribute.type +' - '+ reportAttribute.regex
  • Report Tags
nessusConverter = NessusConverter(client.reportTags("2e8ed9f5-79b5-4f60-d223-bc08e9688c79a606b97c670a7deb", '', jsonFormat=True))
for tag in nessusConverter.nessusStructure.nessusTags:
	print tag.name +' - '+ tag.value
  • Nessus Structure with the Scans in execution.
nessusConverter = NessusConverter(client.scanList())
structure = nessusConverter.scanListToStructure()

##Contact. If you have any issue or query, just send an email to: debiadastra at gmail dot com