
Politecnico di Milano -Energy Department-Energy and Environmental Technologies for Building Systems Course-General Information


Course Survey

Welcome to Polimi's Energy and Environmental Technologies for Building Systems course. Before attending the first session of the course you should fill the following survey in which you should inform us about your personal and contact information, academic background, and software skills.

EETBS Survey Link


In case you do not have a DropBox account, You should crate a free account here and indicate the corresponding email address in the first section of the survey

Github registration

In case you do not have an account on Github, please create one here, for your username please use a human readable format (e.g. MRossi, RossiMarco, Rossi_Marco and not M007R92 !

Git Installation

Please download and install GIT on your PC from this Link, pay attention that you should first choose your operating system (Mac OS X, Windows or Linux/Unix).


Please install Canopy for Python 2.7 (not 3.5 !) on your system, you can choose the suitable file for your operating system here.

In case you received an error during the installation procedure, I would suggest you to search for it on Google where you can commonly find the corresponding solutions. Since these errors are usally case specific and depend on the configuration of your laptop, it will not be possible to resolve them during the lesson. One common issue that students had encountered was that Avira and Avast antivirus might block the installation, you can deactivate it temporarily during installation if you encountered such an issue. In case you had installation issues and you could not find a solution to resolve them, you can alternatively install Anaconda here ( Python 2.7 and not 3.6), once you have the anaconda installed, you should search for Spyder Editor which will be similar to the Canopy's environment.

Software Installation

In this course, we will use EnergyPlus Sketchup and OpenStudio which should be downloaded installed from the the following Dropbox folder (in case you are using Windows 64bit) DropBox link

  • Important Note: Pay attention that the softwares should be installed in the same order as given below:
  1. EnergyPlus
  2. SketchUp
  3. OpenStudio

If you are using another operating system, yu can download the files from the following links:

  1. EnergyPlus: In this Link you can download the suitable version of the software based on your operating System

  2. SketchUp: You can find the suitable installation file (SketchUp Make 2016) for your operating system from this Link, Pay attention that we are going to use SketchUp Make and not SketchUp Pro which is a commercial software.

  3. OpenStudio: The installation files of OpenStudio for different operating system can be found here.

  • It is noteworthy that, in case you already have the SketchUp software installed on your computer, you might have to re-install it as the OpenStudio version might not be compatible with your installed version of SketchUp.

  • In order to check whether you have correctly installed the above-mentioned softwares, you should verify that you have the OpenStudio add-on added to your SketchUp tools.