

Python 3



Problem Statement

Please refer to the file for the problem description.


longest strand of bytes that is identical between two or more files

I assumed we need the longest matching (identical/continuous) sub-strand (MIS) and not the standard longest common subsequence (LCS).
For example -
    Inputs - 'abcde' and 'abce'
    LCS - 'abce'
    MIS - 'abc'

Anyways, I believe my key insight will still hold in the case of LCS as well.

Key Insight

At a crude level, you would have to find MIS for all the combinations of file ranging from 2 to n (where n is the number of input files). Particularly, you would have to check for

nC2 + nC3 + ... + nCn

But this is going to be very time-intensive. My key insight is that I don't need to look for anything more than nC2 combinations since MIS(S1, S2, ..., Si) <= MIS(S1, S2) (where Si's are various strings and i is greater than 2.)


The length of maximum strand is 27648. It occurs in following sets of files

Set: 1/1
Its files and corresponding offsets are as follows:
File name: sample.2, Offset: 3072
File name: sample.3, Offset: 17408

It is possible that there are two sets of file with different maximum identical sub strands. I print all such sets seperately.

Note: Here offset means the index from where the identical part starts (not the one before it). Look at the follwoing picture for refeence since I am using the same function. note_pic

In the above picture, offset is 0 for the first input and 4 for the second input.


On further thinking, I realized that you can make it even faster but I am gonna leave it for future. The idea is that I am going redundant work while calculating MIS(S1, S3) once I have computed MIS(S1, S2) and MIS(S2, S3).

MIS(S1, S3) = (left-side) + MIS(MIS(S1, S2), MIS(S2, S3))

I believe this will be faster on avergae since you are now computing `MIS` on much smaller strings/files.