
Gotta catch em all!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple pokedex app that utilizes PokeAPI to allow users to search for pokemon using their name or their pokemon number.

Live Demo


  • Best viewed on a computer. Responsiveness WIP.
  • Current app only works up to generation VII (i.e. id# 1-809), you can enter Pokémon names and id's after generation VII but it's not guaranteed to work with our app.
  • Has issues rendering pokemon with multiple words if you find any specific pokemon with sprites not working feel free to open an issue since they are very specific cases. (i.e. Type-null, Aegislash-shield, and any pokemon with male/female variants).

Tech Stack:


  • Search bar
  • Search button
  • Scroll wheel (arrows clickable)
  • Display
  • Container
  • Ditto button

Search component:

  • Type in pokemon # or FULL NAME.
  • Click the magnifying glass to search (enter?)
  • Placeholder: “Please enter a pokemon name or number”
  • State: user’s input?

Scroll Wheel component:

  • Scroll wheel on the right moves us sequentially through pokemon
  • Up and down arrows are clickable
  • (initialize to state? currentNum? Other option is to just set the # within the pokemon object)
  • Ability to loop through Pokémon id# 1-809
  • Icebox: mousewheel event? up and down arrow keys?

Pokemon display component:

  • Displays pokemon logo on mount
  • Display pokemon #, name, height, weight, type after search
  • If blank/error: pokemon not found try again.

Ditto button:

  • Single click: randomizes pokemon displayed (random number generator)
  • Icebox: double click? displays ditto’s information

Music Play/Pause

  • Use React Sound library to allow users to play music while using the app


-Just holds everything

First thoughts on state:

  • Based on what we talked about this is an educated guess on what our state would look like.
  userInput: “”,
  data: {
    id: 0,
    name: “”,
    height: “”,
    weight: “”,
    type: {
      0: { //this could be an array if multiple types
        type: {
          name: “”,

Need to figure out:

  • How to get a photo/sprite of the pokemon
  • Convert promises to async await


  • Sega cheat code => display our information.
  • Easter egg: Add trainer sprite to search to get developer's info.