CSS stylesheet to create beautiful web pages in markdown language
Markdown language is very easy to use for building websites using static site builders, but it's also very limited, with very little to choose from and no fancy html styling, right? Wrong! This classless CSS stylesheet is the result of a quick experiment to create awesome web pages using only markdown language.
Some choices were made that were probably not intended by the creators of the language (like a different use of blockquotes as well as bold and italics styles). There are certainly plenty of alternative options and potetial improvements out there, so send me your feedback!
- Classless stylesheet designed for markdown language
- Advanced components: buttons, menus, cards, gallery...
- Material Design theme
- Progressive enhancement: looks good on mobiles as well as PC
- Lightweight: only 3kb
Check out the demo.
Get the file in any of the following ways.
Include a link in your HTML header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/beautiful-markdown" />
Import the npm package:
$ npm install beautiful-markdown
Clone the following git repository:
If you are not familiar with markdown language, read the reference guide for standard elements.
Most importantly, see the reference guide for advanced components.
For more information on markdown language and static site builders, see the following resources: