
Clone and install brutalist theme (don't clone theme into this dir):

  • git clone
  • pelican-themes -i ../brutalist

Create environment:

  • python3 -m venv env
  • source env/bin/activate

Restore packages:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

To build:

  • pelican content from project root

To start a dev server:

  • pelican --listen

To publish an article from drafts branch:

  • git checkout master
  • git checkout drafts content/articles/{category}/{slug}.md
  • Commit the master branch and push

View preview site at http://localhost:8000

Question: how do I want to handle unpublished drafts away from the master branch? If I have one "drafts" branch I'll need to do tricks to pull individual files from the drafts branch into master to publish. I could do one branch per article? Akin to a feature branch. Then as a draft is completed just pull the whole thing (one file) into master and rebuild. Then delete the article draft branch.