SCSS Landing Page Activity In this activity, I used various SCSS features to recreate the styling of a generic landing page. The goal was to demonstrate my understanding of variables, nesting, at-rules, mixins, includes, and content.

Getting Started


view page via ""


Clone the repository provided and navigate to the style.scssfile. Install a Sass compiling extension and serve the index.html in your browser using live-server for reference.

Utility Partials Utilizes three partials to store utilities: _utilities.scss, _btnConfig.scss, and _config.scss.

This project utilizes:

Languages: HTML: for the landing page structure SCSS: for styling the landing page using various features such as variables, nesting, at-rules, mixins, includes, and content. CSS: for compiled SCSS

Tech: variables, nesting, at-rules, mixins, includes, and content.

When finished, open the link provided, or index.html in Live Server, to ensure that the landing page mirrors the example given in the instructions.