
Plugin for Wox launcher to control system volume via text commands

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

UNSUPPORTED Volume control plugin for Wox

No longer maintained, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

A plugin for Wox launcher to control system volume of currently active playback device from Wox rather than from system tray.
Kinda slow (about 150 ms per query), but hey, it's python. (only because I couldn't get C# API to work pepeHands)


wpm install Volume plugin (the one with "Volume plugin" title, messed that up) via WPM
or grab a zip from releases and extract to %appdata%\Local\Wox\app-[version]\Plugins\[whatever]\ (this won't survive Wox updating, use WPM if you can)
Important: this plugin needs pycaw in your Python runtime. You will be greeted with an error if it isn't present.


(these examples assume plugin's keyword is the default v)

  • v m — toggles mute status
  • v [value 0..100] — sets device volume to given value. This also unmutes device if it was muted, just like the default Windows tray slider.