
Ansible role to install Logstash OSS on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS servers


Installs and configures logstash-oss, the open source version of Logstash.



Role Variables

logstash_oss_install_java_11: false

Set this to true to install Java 11.

logstash_oss_elasticsearch_repository: true

Set this to false, if you do not want the role to create a Yum or Apt repository. Useful to set to false, if you have already have the repository configured.

logstash_oss_version: "7.x"

The logstash version to be installed.

logstash_beats_input: true

A common beats input configuration is included. Set this to false, if you do not want the beats input to be configured.

logstash_beats_port: 5044

If beats input is configured, the port on which to listen to.

logstash_local_ssl_certificate_file_path: ""

Local path to the SSL/TLS certificate. This will be copied over to the target.

logstash_local_ssl_key_file_path: ""

Local path to the SSL/TLS key file. This will be copied over to the target.

logstash_ssl_private_directory: /etc/ssl/private

The private directory to store key file.

logstash_ssl_certificate_directory: /etc/ssl/certs

The directory to store SSL/TLS certificates.

  path.data: /var/lib/logstash
  pipeline.ordered: auto
  path.logs: /var/log/logstash

The Logstash main configuration. This is a YAML dictionary.

logstash_elasticsearch_output: true
  - http://localhost:9200

An Elasticsearch output is included. Disable it, if you do not want the output.



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - role: bngsudheer.logstash-oss


Apache 2.0.

Author Information

Sudheer Satyanarayana.