
Simple weather app written in React

Primary LanguageCSS


Because why not?

React, ES6, Weather!

Live Demo

  • Shows you weather & local time for a given location
  • Daily hourly breakdown view
  • 7-day forecast view
  • Changes colour based on time at location (day/night/dawn/dusk)
  • It's got a mole


PHP 5.3.2+ Composer node (latest)

Local installation

  • npm install
  • Composer install (php composer.phar install)
  • Register with forecast.io to get your api key
  • Make a copy of config/config.sample.php and fill in your correct API_KEY
  • Make the /api folder accessible via apache/nginx
  • In webpack.config.js, replace proxy/target with the apache/nginx api url


  • npm run dev to serve local dev version


  • npm run prod to create the dist version.


The php API is built with slimPHP and located in the api folder.

The API has the following endpoints:

  • /location/{location name} - Returns lat/long coordinates for a location:
    "lat": -33.9248685,
    "lng": 18.4240553
  • /forecast/{latitude},{longitude} - Returns the forecast for a location:
    "time": 12:00,
    "temp": 14,
    "icon": 'rain-day',
    "daylight": "day",
    "summary": 'Heavy rain all day',
    "day": [
        { "time": 00:00, "icon": 'clear-night', "temp": 11}
        { "time": 01:00, "icon": 'clear-night', "temp": 12}
    "week": [
        { "date": 13/4, "icon": 'clear-night', "temp": 11}
        { "date": 14/4, "icon": 'clear-night', "temp": 12}


The google location lookup limit is 2,500 per day The forecast.io lookup limit is 1000 per day


Uses the awesome "Clean weather icons" by www.artill.de