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Andy Warhols Debbie Harry portrait from 1985/1986

Reconstruction of this historic digital image

Original file was most likely lost in the sands of time.

There is a photo of the image on a CRT screen, where individual phosphors can be seen, in the Amiga World Magazine from January 1986.


Work in progress displayed on simulated NTSC screen (View full size)


Work in progress in IFF/ILBM format: awdh.iff


Automated sampling to get a rough draft with correct proportions.

Manual fix-up in Deluxe Paint III. Using zoomed photo fragments as pixel reference.

Missing parts guessed with help of other photos.

Not enough info exists to get a 100% authentic result, but maybe close to 95%.

Known info

Original Reconstruction
Format ProPaint custom format IFF/ILBM
Resolution 320x200 320x200
Nr colors 8/16/32 ? 8 ?
Palette Unknown Best guess


The moment Andy Warhol went digital by painting Debbie Harry on an Amiga Computer

Amiga World Magazine (January 1986)