Some helper utilities for plotting and processing EEG data in R. The package is in the early stages of development, and may be subject to a lot of changes.
Use devtools::install_github('craddm/eegUtils') to install it.
- import_raw() - for import BDF/EDF (BioSemi/European Data Format) EEG files
- iir_filter() - for performing IIR Butterworth filtering on data (FIR filtering in development)
- reref_eeg() - for re-referencing data
- epoch_data() - for creating epochs around trigger events
- tag_events() - for labelling events
- interp_elecs() - spherical spline interpolation of EEG channels
- eeg_downsample() - filter and downsample data to a lower sampling rate.
- topoplot() - plotting of topographies
- plot_timecourse()/plot_butterfly()- plotting individual timecourses from electrodes or plotting all electrodes at once
- erp_scalp() - plotting ERP plots for individual electrodes in a topographical layout - thanks to Matti Vuorre!
- interactive_scalp() - a Shiny version of erp_scalp() that allows you to zoom in on specific electrodes.
- browse_data() - a Shiny gadget for interactively scrolling through EEG data (continous or epoched)