
:new: Rackspace Technical Blog

Primary LanguageSCSS

Technical Blog

deploy status technical blog?style=plastic

This repository contains the source code for https://docs.rackspace.com/blog/ website.

The website is written in AsciiDoc, generated by using Hugo, and hosted on GitHub.


The Docs site runs on top of Hugo. To run an instance locally you need to either install Hugo and AsciiDoctor locally or run a Docker image that contains Hugo and AsciiDoctor.

Local set up

Install Hugo and AsciiDoctor locally

If you want to install the required tools, you must first install Hugo and have the hugo command available in your PATH. Use Hugo version 0.73 or newer. You can install hugo by using your system’s package manager. For example, on OSX, type the following command to install hugo with Homebrew:

brew install hugo

For more information about how to install Hugo please see the installation documentation.

You also need Asciidoctor and Gem to run the local Docs site. Install those tools and verify them by running the following commands:

install asciidoctor: sudo gem install asciidoctor -N verify asciidoctor -v verify gem —help

Alternatively, use the make install command to install Asciidoctor by using Ruby Gem and Bundler. You need to have the gem command in your path. For more information, see the Ruby Gem installation docs.

Build the documentation locally

Build your content locally and check for build errors.

  1. Change directory to the root directory of your document repository.

  2. Run the following command:

make build-preview

Start a local web server

To preview documents in a web browser such as Chrome, start the Hugo server on your device.

Hugo has a live serve command that runs a small, lightweight web server on your computer so you can test your site locally without needing to upload it anywhere. As you make changes to files in your project, it rebuilds your project and reloads the browser for you.

To start the Hugo server, perform the following steps:

  1. Change directory to the root directory of your document repository.

  2. Run the following command:

make serve

The Hugo server displays some messages while it starts up. The last line should be:

Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address Press Ctrl+C to stop

You should now be able to access the technical blog using the generated link. You cannot use the Technical blog dropdown to navigate to your new article. To access your article:

  1. Select the link generated by Hugo.

  2. In the search bar type '/blog/' after the existing local address.

  3. Copy and paste the information from the slug section of your metadata after the '/blog/' text.

This running instance should support live reload. Changes you make to files should be automatically updated in your running instance.

Some files may not be supported for live reload. If you are not automatically seeing your changes live you may need to restart the server. You can restart the server by pressing 'ctrl-c' and running make serve again.

Docker set up

Install Hugo and AsciiDoctor by using Docker

If you do not want to install a local copy of Hugo and AsciiDoctor, you can run a Hugo+AsciiDoctor docker image instead. You need to first create the docker image via make hugo-docker. After you have a docker image, you can run the Hugo server via make hugo-serve.

Start the Hugo server in Docker

Use the hugo-serve make target:

make hugo-serve

If everything is working as expected you should see output similar to the following example:

                   | EN-US
  Pages            |  1002
  Paginator pages  |    94
  Non-page files   |  1025
  Static files     |    60
  Processed images |     0
  Aliases          |   300
  Sitemaps         |     1
  Cleaned          |     0

Built in 786 ms
Watching for changes in /Users/ravi7895/workspace/rackerlabs/technical-blog/{archetypes,content,layouts,static,themes}
Watching for config changes in /Users/ravi7895/workspace/rackerlabs/technical-blog/config.toml
Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/blog/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop

You should now be able to access the technical blog, for example, from: http://localhost:1313/blog/

This running instance should support live reload. Changes you make to files should be automatically updated in your running instance.

Some files may not be supported for live reload. If you are not automatically seeing your changes live you may need to restart the server. You can restart the server by pressing 'ctrl-c' and running make hugo-serve again.

Project directory structure

├── [archetypes]- Directory where you define the content, tags, categories, etc.
├── [content] - Directory that contains the content of the site.
│   ├── [contribute]
│   ├── [documentation]
├── [data] - Directory that contains site data such as localization configuration.
├── [layouts] - Directory that contains Go HTML/template library used to template and format the site.
├── [public] - (Doesn't exist until generated) Directory that contains the generated content for the site.  Should be part of your git.ignore file.
├── [scripts] - Directory that should scripts for generating swagger, tags, etc
├── [static] - Directory for any static files to be compiled into the web site (style sheets, JavaScript, images, robots.txt, fav icons, etc.).
├── [themes] - Directory that contains the site theme.  Themes override layouts.
├── Makefile
├── hugo/Dockerfile - the Dockerfile used to build the Hugo+AsciiDoctor image
├── config.toml - Main configuration file, where you define the web site title, URL, language, etc.
├── README.adoc (This file)