This Python program implements various CPU scheduling algorithms, including First-Come, First-Served (FCFS), Shortest Process Next (SPN), Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN), and Round Robin. These algorithms simulate the process of selecting a process from the ready queue for execution on the CPU. CPU scheduling is a fundamental aspect of operating systems, and this project provides a practical implementation of different scheduling algorithms.
Ensure you have Python installed. You can install the required packages using:
You can install them using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Django server:
python runserver
Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000.
Enter Arrival Time (AT) and CPU Burst Time (CBT) for each process.
Select a scheduling algorithm from the provided options.
Click on the "Submit" button.
The program will calculate and display the results, including Gantt charts and turnaround time.