
A text splitter for splitting text and other text splitting stuff.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple text splitter. Allows for splitting text into lines, words, and even characters for use of animating or manipulating. Schism neatly splits each word (or char, or line) into an outer span with a hidden overflow, with each child wrapped in seperate spans. Allowing for easy targeting.

npm install @bnpne/schism

Basic Example

import schism from '@bnpne/schism'

const target = document.querySelector('.class')
target.innerHTML = 'Hello this is a string split into individual words'

const splitWords = new schism({target: target, mutation: 'words'}) // 'chars', 'words', 'lines'

console.log(splitWords.wordArray) // returns an array of each word wrapped in an inner span, perfect for animating

// animate using gsap
    percentY: 100,
    percentY: 0,
    duration: 1,
    stagger: 0.25,
    ease: 'linear',

Schism returns a class that allows the user to easily target the elements created.

Instance Props

Property Type Description
target HTMLElement the target to be split
original HTMLElement A copy of the target before manipulation
mutation string The type of mutation ('lines', 'words', 'chars')
overflow string Whether the overflow of inner span is hidden or visible (default = 'hidden')
wordArray Array Array of Inner Spans for each word
wordParentArray Array Array of Outer Spans for each word
charArray Array Array of Inner Spans for each char
charParentArray Array Array or outer spans for each char, containing each char for that word
lineArray Array Array of Inner Spans for each line
lineParentArray Array Array or outer spans for each line, containing each word for that line