- 0
Viewport Material Preview Being Gray
#598 opened by lookatveshman - 7
- 1
- 18
Nasty Crash correlated with a Malt Node Tree
#560 opened by dibli-goost - 0
NodegroupA and nodegroupB containing nodegroupA cannot exist in the same material
#561 opened by HSDSZ - 6
Color may not be displayed
#581 opened by pragma37 - 10
Malt failing to render after system update
#568 opened by noctiswhole - 2
Crash in CBlenderMalt.retrieve_mesh_data
#580 opened by pragma37 - 3
NoneType issues in MaltFunctionNode
#575 opened by ParaKrei - 5
Main project file crashes when opening. But previous file version does not
#572 opened by rosstheblenderanimator - 4
Blend File cannot open after saving. A very simple reproduction file, line width not related.
#576 opened by HSDSZ - 2
- 1
- 2
Blend file can not be opened, malt related.
#566 opened by HSDSZ - 2
Missing dependencies on Arch Linux
#556 opened by magras - 3
Crash when after tuing some parameters then render
#549 opened by HSDSZ - 1
Malt is giving me fully transparent / no rendered images, as well as lagging while in the viewport's Rendered Mode
#548 opened by MVPuccinoV2 - 0
Currently open Node Group is exited when undoing a change inside the Group
#547 opened by StarshipAmelia - 1
mesh disappears in render when it is far from camera
#544 opened by HSDSZ - 1
How to generate lights with geometry nodes?
#542 opened by pragma37 - 1
node group bug
#541 opened by HSDSZ - 1
- 0
- 4
Crash when execute `node.add_search` in Malt Node Tree
#518 opened by yozba - 1
malt crash in blender 4.0 (latest nodegroup version)
#532 opened by HSDSZ - 2
Driven Light Material Properties are not updating in linked library override projects.
#529 opened by dibli-goost - 1
- 1
the NPR Specular node does not work as expected on a default plane/cube with flat shading
#527 opened by nikeizawa - 0
errors from renderdoccmd are ignored
#525 opened by bluesillybeard - 4
Renderdoc doesn't work on Linux
#520 opened by u3shit - 3
Malt nodes not working properly
#522 opened by rosstheblenderanimator - 2
Render not working
#516 opened by Gero39 - 3
- 1
Malt Settings label appears in non-mesh and light data tabs when data block is pinned.
#508 opened by dibli-goost - 1
Material System is not working
#501 opened by jaxxcoder - 1
- 6
- 6
glGetError crash when selecting Malt as Render Engine
#491 opened by Pauan - 20
- 16
Blender crashes when duplicate malt node
#480 opened by kozatt0 - 1
Textures turning gray after crash
#492 opened by DonKon66 - 1
Input/Output sockets on Screen Pass fail to generate when directly using GLSL files as a shader source.
#486 opened by dibli-goost - 1
- 3
Windows 11 compatibility
#482 opened by mkolcun - 1
- 6
Render Problem
#477 opened by tjzzhang - 4
Blender crashes when u append an object
#465 opened by HSDSZ - 2
Blender crash on creating a new node tree in Render Layer and Render trees.
#463 opened by dibli-goost - 9
- 0