This is my attempt to recreate the results in
Basically just run
Usage: th main.lua [options]
Testing the HighwayLayers
-json json output file [/dev/null]
-type layer type: should be vanilla or highway [vanilla]
-set input set: should be mnist or xor [mnist]
-layers number of layers [2]
-size hidden layer size [71]
-max_epochs number of full passes through the training data [200]
-seed torch manual random number generator seed [12345]
-gpuid which gpu to use. -1 = use CPU [-1]
-cudnn Use CUDNN [0]
So, I plan to do this:
for layers in 10 20 50 100
th main.lua -gpuid 0 -cudnn 1 -json "results/"vanilla-${layers}.json" -type vanilla -set mnist -layers "${layers}" -size 71 -max_epochs 400
th main.lua -gpuid 1 -cudnn 1 -json "results/"highway-${layers}.json" -type highway -set mnist -layers "${layers}" -size 50 -max_epochs 400
(Tho, obviously, I'll run these in parallel on multiple shells.)